• I would like to know how to eliminate from the main page the “browser entries” (at least that’s the translation for the Spanish version) and the reference to the last page or post edited. I’ve seen some webs in the themesandco.com web without them.
    I apologize for my English, but it is not my native language

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  • Theme Author presscustomizr


    Hi, I don’t really get your point, could you share some screenshot and tell which are the sites from showcase?

    Thread Starter ORTB0261


    Hi. Thanks for your answer and my congratulations for the theme. It is incredible.
    I’m working on a child theme in localhost, and I can’t post a link for you saw the problem, but on your page (www.themesandco.com/code-snippets/) at the end of it, it appears one of the things I want that not appear on my website: “snippets navigation” and “older snippets” (or “Post navigation” in the blog page).
    And in the theme, above these “post navigation”, it appears an “extract” from the last published page, which I’d like, or does not appear, or change it to a fixed text.
    In some of the examples in your website is as well (eg. https://claricogroup.com/).
    Once again, thank you very much.

    Try this Snippet

    Thread Starter ORTB0261


    Thank you for the quick response. That code removes the “post / page navigation”.
    The other part of my question was how to remove or, better, change for a fixed text the extract or link to the last published page that appears just above the post/page navigation.
    Thank you again.

    .entry-summary > p {
      display: none;

    will remove the extract. Check if any other pages you’ve setup need that CSS, else you may have to add .page-id-99 where 99 is the right page, found in the <body> (See the Page Source by F12 Code Inspector).

    .page-id-99 .entry-summary > p {
      display: none;
    Thread Starter ORTB0261


    Again, thank you. Just an ultimate question. As I said before, how could I do that in that place where the link to the previous page was, appeared a fixed text (or failing that, a page set).

    Here’s an old Forum Post. Is this what you mean?

    Thread Starter ORTB0261


    No, it doesn’t work. I have created a new functions.php file in the child theme copyng the original and if I add the new code it appears a syntax error message.
    If I only copy in the functions.php file the new code, there is no change in the web.
    How I say before, an example what I need it’s in one of the examples in your website: https://claricogroup.com/.
    I apologize but I am a beginner with php.

    The functions.php in the child theme does not have to be a copy of the core file.

    All it needs is:


    You’re getting errors because the functions in the child theme are already there in the core file.

    Thread Starter ORTB0261


    Hi agani, I’ve been out last week. I’ve copy from the forum post this code and it’s the only I’ve now in my functions.php file of the child theme, but nothing happens. Do I have some other error?
    // Remove the … from excerpt and change the text
    function change_excerpt_more()
    function new_excerpt_more($more)
    // Use .read-more to style the link
    return ‘<span class=”continue-reading”> More »</span>’;
    add_filter(‘excerpt_more’, ‘new_excerpt_more’);
    add_action(‘after_setup_theme’, ‘change_excerpt_more’);|

    1) The | character will not help in front of the <?php and back of the code

    2) Here’s the code I published some months ago:

    // Remove the ... from excerpt and change the text
    function change_excerpt_more()
      function new_excerpt_more($more)
        // Use .read-more to style the link
          return '<span class="continue-reading"> <a href="' . get_permalink() . '">  More ?</a></span>';
      add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more');
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'change_excerpt_more');

    Thread Starter ORTB0261


    Thank you again. Yes, I was wrote the code without | character, but nothing happens.
    However, I have visited the geppettvs.x10.mx page, and that’s not what I want.As I already say in a previous post, what I want on my website is the same as contained in the web of claricogroup.com where under “post / page navigation” text (“The Group puts ourselves in clarico appears your shoes …. “). establishes a code page:

    <div class="entry_content">
    <p> ... </ p>
    <p> ... </ p>
    </ div>

    and when I inspected the site,it seems to refer to a external page (Inherited from body.home.page.page-id-2.page.-template-default). But I do not know where to insert the above code and how to link to this external page.

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