Hi indigofirefly,
When I submit your contact form, I see “#wpcf7-f3-p51-o1” added in the URL which generally has told me that AJAX is not enabled — which is required for inline links and usually enabled by adding wp_footer(). I’m not sure what more help I can provide here on this one; if you’d like to contact us directly (https://www.mandsconsulting.com) for dedicated support on this, we’d be happy to meet with you.
Hi gary.upham,
I don’t see the same issue on your environment, but perhaps there is just a conflict with another plugin with your environment. Again, I’m not sure in this scenario, but feel free to contact us if interested in dedicated support. We prefer to help here online when possible for the benefit of others (and since plugin support really hasn’t ever been part of our business model), but I think we may need to look at your environment specifically as well.
Hi rdelarosa55,
You would use the shortcode (i.e. [email-download download_id=”1″ contact_form_id=”2″] ) inside a post or page, either in the visual editor or HTML editor. You could try to add a parameter like title=”pricing” (I don’t recall if we added that feature off hand to know for sure if it works) into the shortcode or otherwise change the Download Monitor file title to get the inline link to change.
Thanks for everyone’s patience. We try to get out here as much as possible and appreciate the community jumping in to answer questions as well.