• When I send blog by email i get strange characters in output (=20 , =20= etc.). Wtf?
    Mail client is Apple Mail, sending plain text.
    Another thing is, how to send blog via email that contains ISO8859-2 characters? Even by posting it via portal can’t get chars right.
    Wordpress 1.0.1

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  • wp 1.0.1 has several known problems with blog-by-email. You could try out the latest nightly instead.

    having same issues with charcters. Anyone know of a solution?

    What version of WP?
    What email client are you using to compose the emails?
    Is your email client in “text” mode (as opposed to HTML)?

    Laki, i have problem like u. But it solve when i change my mail setting to plain text. But now i have problem that the paragraph trunk in the place there not supose to be. like this one:

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam vitae ipsum at
    enim faucibus posuere. Aenean feugiat congue nunc. Proin et velit. Aenean sed
    erat quis augue mollis elementum. Aliquam at lacus. Cras pellentesque cursus
    mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Cras felis metus, tempus in, commodo ut, eleifend
    et, odio. Nullam pretium sem at enim. In rutrum risus ut lectus. Morbi id ante
    sed tellus elementum gravida. Fusce lectus ipsum, hendrerit non, malesuada in,
    eleifend id, est. Vestibulum ipsum risus, tincidunt a, vestibulum quis,
    tincidunt pellentesque, dui. Aenean vehicula semper felis.

    Any one can fix that? Thx

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