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  • Plugin Author ulihake


    Hi tdzl.

    Thanks for you feedback. The validation takes place on submit, not when entering the emails. Did you try to submit the form? Do you have other plugins enabled which alter the checkout process?

    I’ve tested this, as always, and it works as expected on my test site.
    If the email addresses do not match you should receive a message like the following:

    “Email addresses do not match: [email protected] : [email protected]


    Plugin Author ulihake


    I close this now. If you still encounter problems please reply to this ticket. I will receive an email notification.

    Uli, did you plan to implement a sort of real time check for this?
    Or can you suggest us a js to add in order to verify email in the very moment a user is typing it?
    Thanks in advance for reply.

    Plugin Author ulihake


    That’s not planned and there’s no need for this as WooCommerce needs to validate the data in all circumstances. The email validation is triggered during the same validation process WooCommerce needs for all of its data.


    Thread Starter tdzl


    I think it would be nice to validate at the same time as all the other fields, which validate in real time. It’s just a poor user-experience to make them have to manually go back to that spot after submit. Especially if you’re using a tabbed-checkout process like I am.

    Please consider adding this functionality.

    Plugin Author ulihake


    Hello tdzl.

    What do you mean by this? What do you mean with real-time? The validation for the confirmation email field is integrated in the WooCommerce validation process. There’s no need to go back or forth as this is handled by WooCommerce in a “non-tabbed” checkout.

    Now, when it comes to tabbed-checkout: Do you use a plugin or theme with dedicated functionality to achieve this? If yes, then your plugin or theme should allow you to attach additional fields to the “tabbed” validation process. What I can assure is that the confirmation email field “validate(s) at the same time as all other fields”. On my test site this is a typical output if data is missing for several required fields or if the email validation fails:

    Email addresses do not match: [email protected] : [email protected]
        Lastname is a required field.
        Address is a required field.


    Plugin Author ulihake


    Hello tdzl.

    This is the important question: Do you have other plugins (or themes) enabled which alter the checkout process? Tabbed checkout is not available in WooCommerce out of the box. The Poor Guy can offer enhancements and tools for WooCommerce but not for “unknown” plugins and themes that alter by their own means a WooCommerce instance.

    At least I would need some background information and I have to know if there is a sufficient user base worth the effort. If you still feel that the problem is due to a problem (or misconception) in the Poor Guy, please elaborate a bit more.


    Hi Uli.
    I’ve almost lost quite a few sells during last days, if only a customer emailed me the fact that email validator doesn’t work and doesn’t allow to complete checkout.
    I’m waiting for that customer to complete purchase today. I feel confident he will be able to do this because I deactivated “Add billing email validator:”
    I hope it was that to cause email check problem. ??
    What do you think it may cause this?

    Plugin Author ulihake


    Hi alemarengo.

    I need to see this on your site. Could you please send me details via the contact form on


    Plugin Author ulihake


    Hi alemarengo.

    I’ve replied by email. I did several tests and I could not find an error. If the verification fails the customer receives a notification like for all other required checkout fields.

    It’s a good idea to set a label and a placeholder for the email verification field in the Billing section as the customer (user) may have problems to identify the field otherwise and the field won’t display the required status.


    Plugin Author ulihake


    Hi tdzl, alemarengo.

    I need definitely more information about the circumstances in which the validation fails. The next update will include one improvement though: Email validation will be disabled for returning, logged-in customers as it won’t be needed in more than 95% of the cases.


    Hi Uli!
    Thanks for having update wcpgsk and adding compatibility issue for logged in users.
    Since I’ve replied to you via email before getting the update, I’ll ask: may I keep email validator alive now? I guess so. ??

    Plugin Author ulihake


    Hi alemarengo.

    I respond here as well to share the information with other users.

    I did some tests on your website and I was not able to reproduce the problem. You told me that one user complained and you deduced that you may have lost business conversions. tdlz, the user who opened the thread, reports problems in slightly different implementation scenario than yours. On your site I could not reproduce the problem and as you have conversions and only one user complained, the problem, if it exists, seems to depend on circumstances we could not work out. tdzl has not answered my questions. As two users complained and insisted, I decided to investigate the problem.

    Solving a possible problem implies to “see it in action”, I need to reproduce it, I need details. All this was not possible. Nevertheless I decided to make the validation a bit more restrictive as most logged-in users won’t change their emails during checkout and validation is unnecessary for them.

    For you both, as nobody else complained, it’s up to you to decide. In your case, I would say that it’s save, but as always, you have to test on various devices and browsers. In the case of tdlz, as he seems to use a tabbed checkout, there may exist a problem unknown to me.


    Hi Uli, sorry for delay.
    I’d like to explain the point in detail. I’ll try… Last saturday night I was checking Google Analytics. I noticed there was a customer who registered on my web site and then put some products on cart. Moreover, he spent some time on checkout page. Then he got to change what follows: password, billing address, shipping address, email, then stop. Came back to checkout for a 10 mins. After a while, I received an email in which he complaints about being unable to complete purchase because of email confirmation.

    I just realized this: the day before, a customer registered with a wrong email… ymail instead of gmail. I had to edit it manually. Since I remembered that poor guy has a email check feature, such as “Add billing email validator:” I checked it in order to activate it.
    Well… that’s it! Once I deactivate it, I started receiving orders as usual. And I reply to this thread.

    In addition, I obviously noticed that later you logged in from Bar?a in order to make some tests but……… I have a big doubt. Did you test purchase when logged in as admin or not?
    Because I think there is a rights policy conflict in using poor guy’s email validator.
    Maybe… i have to check some tweaks in functions.php. But I do not have any policy restriction code in mine…

    This is not the first time I experienced a trouble using poor guy. But this is not a complaint about it, rather than to my template. Previously, I opened several support tickets in order to discover what happened using poor guys and feature like, for instance, “fast checkout”. I think I’ll keep using poor guys as always, but it has some features that will conflict with different frameworks.

    Back to my case, I do not have any additional info to give you about, I only know customer logged in from a desktop platform. Don’t know about browser or whatever.
    Stupid question: is it possible to retrieve this kind of info from Analytics?
    I don’t think so…

    Waiting for your reply, thanks and best regards.

    Plugin Author ulihake


    Hi alemarengo84.

    I did the purchase test in a guest session without any problems. The email validation is a simple check if the billing email field and the validation field contain the same alphanumerical content. Nothing more, nothing less. The check does not rely on features and functions which require special rights.

    To put it clear, if a customer registered with ymail instead of gmail in the address and email validation was enabled, the customer put ymail in both fields, otherwise the check would have returned an error message. If the setting produces conflicts or you believe that it produces conflicts, simply don’t use it. We’ve spent a lot of time checking and I was not able to reproduce this on your site. I was able to produce valid orders as well as “correct” error messages for the check. Without any additional information, there’s not much I can do about this.


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