• Upon submitting the form I receive the “Your message was sent successfully. Thanks.” success message, but the email never arrives in my inbox.

    With no errors returns in the AJAX call and no errors displayed on screen this is almost impossible to fix unless you’re the plugin developer.

    I’ve tried changing permalinks to default – still no result.

    If anyone has any other tricks I can try – that would be fantastic.



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  • The green Success message and not receiving any error messages is a very clear indication that CF7 is sending the email.

    So your email is probably being seen as spam somewhere in the email process. This is usually due to email headers (in particular the From email address used) or email content.

    Emails can be considered spam for a whole host of reasons and get rejected at many points in the email process in addition to your spam folder.

    See Contact Form 7 Email Issues – this links to a much more comprehensive article which also covers emails being considered spam.

    See also Best Practice to Set Up Mail.

    Thread Starter Patrick-Adapt


    Hi all,

    Thank you for your quick replies.

    I’ve since tested sending the form to another email address on a separate domain and hosted on a separate server, which came through just fine.

    So as you’ve suggested it would seem the email is getting thrown into a black-hole before it reaches my inbox.

    I feel this could be due to the fact the website is still in development it is on the same domain effectively as my email address – adaptdigital.co. So the email is trying to send and receive to the same place, which I’m aware is a recipe for problems – I’ve just never encountered any until recently!

    Can either of you suggest a solution to this as even when the site goes live, I imagine it will be sending from and to email addresses under the same domain.

    I look forward to hearing from you and many thanks in advance!

    Best regards,

    So the email is trying to send and receive to the same place, which I’m aware is a recipe for problems

    Ive never known that to be an issue; it’s how I test my email setup. I also use https://mailtrap.io for testing.

    adaptdigital.co has no SPF record; email will not be received reliably. You read my article, right? ??

    Jasons-Mac-Pro:~ jasonhendriks$ dig txt adaptdigital.co
    ;adaptdigital.co.		IN	TXT
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