Email Notifications & Horrible Placement of Button
Hello –
We receive an email notification from PayPal and from Stripe for every single order showing the payment information and confirming that the payment qualifies for seller protection and chargeback protection. We receive no email at all from Amazon Payments showing that the buyers paid for their orders.
When we log into Amazon Pay and click SETTINGS> NOTIFICATIONS there is no setting for email notifications. Amazon says that it’s inside the API and that the API should let us set up not only notifications for us to receive emails, but also setup the buyers confirmation email of their payment.
We can’t find any of these settings in the plugin.
How do we enable and adjust payment notifications?
Secondly, why is the button not showing alongside all of the other payment methods that are offered to buyers? Why is it on page 1 of checkout, forcing people to choose between Amazon and whatever may come next on the next page of checkout where all of the other payment options are??
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