Thank you very much for your answer !
“Could you try configuring a report “HTML” and in “Display options” select “Display tables only (no graphs)”. Does it work then?”
- -> it works with this configuration ! So, the pb come from pdf or image attachement with my client email ! Not from Matomo
- -> for Gmail, emails were effectively in my spam folder, so sorry ! (I’m not used to gmail interface !!)
- -> my two differents clients email which have pb with Matomo emails : first one is the Outlook Web App (not hotmail, but dedicated outlook web app from organisation where I work), second one is a Zimbra mail version 7.2 from my internet access provider (it seems to be an old version).
So, I’m gonna use a different mailbox where it works !
My topic title was about the error Failed to load HTML-File, so
for the error message :
Failed to load HTML-File:
Please check if you have an adblocker or something similar enabled
The message is only displayed with my firefox but does not affect what I described above for emails. So it’s not a pb from Matomo, but from my configuration.
Last thing to say :
I tried a Matomo plugin on an other WordPress website hosted on other webserver :
Everything was exactly the same !
So the pb comes definitively from the two clients emails, and from my firefox for the error message !
Thanks again for your answers !
If it’s ok for you too, we can close the toic as resolved.