• I have a problem with email sent reports not updating.

    Here’s what I’m doing:
    – Go to Email Posts > Send Email.
    – Choose a mail configuration, set it to send immediately, and check only a single user in the list. (I’m selecting just a single user for testing reasons.)
    – I hit Send Email and am told “Mail sent successfully Click here for details”.
    – I click on “Click here” and am taken to the Sent Email page.
    – There are emails reports listed, but not the one I just did. I wait a little while and look again and still no change. Why is this so?

    Please note:
    – No cron jobs are setup on the server, but as far as I understand that shouldn’t matter because I am sending mail manually.
    – The recipient I select is indeed getting an email.
    – The database table *_elp_sentdetails isn’t being updated.
    – I am using version 3.0 of the plugin.

    Any idea why the sent email page is not being updated?

    Thanks for your help.


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