• Resolved Shah Rukh


    I need to know is there any email validation hook that can be used to validate an email using 3rd part APIs,

    either before sending the complete form data or at the time of email entered.

    I am a developer, and 1 of my client requirement is to validate the email usin 3rd party API to get an actual lead into the system.


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  • Plugin Contributor QuillForms


    Hi @tdevelopers,

    Thanks for reaching out!
    There is a hook yes you can use for validation after the user clicks the submit button.
    Please check:
    You should use this filter: “quillforms_entry_field_validation”
    If validation message isn’t empty, the form will jump back to this field and gives the user the validation message you set via the filter.
    Please let us know if this works!

    Quill Forms Team

    Thread Starter Shah Rukh


    thanks for the quick response.
    I checked the hook and created a snippet for the validation I have added the following code.

    function quillform_validation($validation_message,$block,$block_type,$field_answer,$entry, $form_data) {
    	if($block['name']=="email") {
    		$email = $field_answer;
    		if ( !filter_var(  $email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ) ) {
    			$validation_message = 'Please enter a valid email.';
    		// some 3rd party api call. and return error message
    	return $validation_message;

    this returning 400 response and message in network tab, but not showing the message just sowing this
    Can”t connect to the server right now! but not the actual message

    Plugin Contributor QuillForms


    Hi Shah,

    Thanks for reporting this issue.
    We will investigate it and will release a fix for that by the end of this week or the next week at worst cases.

    Quill Forms Team

    Thread Starter Shah Rukh


    Hi @quillforms

    is there any update on this issue ?


    Plugin Contributor QuillForms


    Hi @tdevelopers,

    Thanks for waiting.
    We will release a version today to fix this. Also, the version includes some other many features.
    We will ping you when the release is published.

    Quill Forms Team

    Plugin Contributor QuillForms


    Hey @tdevelopers,

    We have released version 1.16.0 which should fix your issue.
    Please let us know if your problem is fixed now.

    Quill Forms Team

    Thread Starter Shah Rukh


    Hi @quillforms

    it’s working perfectly as required, thanks for your support.


    Plugin Contributor QuillForms


    Hello @tdevelopers,

    Glad that we were able to help!
    We would be grateful if you have a few mins to write a feedback about us here: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/quillforms/#reviews
    It really means the world to us.

    Quill Forms Team`

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