1. have put in a test order and the logo header that I set up in the emails settings shows on a preview but did not show on the email that arrived.
    2. when I put in the test order I received the email saying I had ordered, but did not receive an email saying that I, the cart owner, had an order to process.

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  • Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi @penelope323,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    If I understand you correctly, you’re experiencing a couple of issues: firstly, the logo header you set up in the email settings is not appearing in the actual emails, despite showing up in the preview. Secondly, you’re not receiving an email notification as the store owner when a test order is placed.

    have put in a test order and the logo header that I set up in the emails settings shows on a preview but did not show on the email that arrived.

    Kindly share a screenshot on how you’re seeing the email you received as the customer who placed the test order? The reason I’m asking this is to understand if there are any images displayed in the email apart from the logo. For screenshot sharing, you can use a site like https://snipboard.io/ and share the direct link here with us.

    when I put in the test order I received the email saying I had ordered, but did not receive an email saying that I, the cart owner, had an order to process.

    As for the issue with not receiving email notifications as a store owner, I recommend you check your WooCommerce settings to ensure that you have set up the New Order email correctly. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > New Order. Make sure that the “Enable this email notification” box is checked and the recipient’s email address is correct.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter penelope323


    Overnight I have seemed (I know not how) to sort the Logo header image. However, I know I have entered the correct information on the ‘new order’ emails settings (see screenshot). The first time I tested it I did receive the notification that an order had been put in, as well, as the purchaser an email saying that the order had been received. ~Since then when I purchase as a customer I get the email saying that the order has been received, but I do not get the email, as the site owner, saying that an order has been put through the cart

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi @penelope323,

    Overnight I have seemed (I know not how) to sort the Logo header image.

    I’m glad to know you were able to solve the issue with the logo.

    but I do not get the email, as the site owner, saying that an order has been put through the cart

    Did you already have the chance to check out our email troubleshooting guide? If not, please try following the troubleshooting options suggested and let us know how it goes.

    You can find more details on email troubleshooting here.

    Thread Starter penelope323


    I am utterly confused by following the email troubleshooting guide. I have activated wp maier smpt and it sent me to enrol with Brevo that seems to be a mailing system not a method of establishing if emails have been sent from the site. I was also sent to logs where I am supposed to find ‘fatal error’ but can’t find any. I was attempting to find information telling me that emails had actually left my site in order to go to my customer, but nothing was forthcoming.

    Meanwhile I sent off a new order through a different computer and different customer details. The email I received appeared to be telling me that an order had been put through the cart by the named customer. That is good. However, the person who put in the order did not received an email saying that the order had been accepted. How do I achieve that? in the woo commerce emails settings I have the ‘processing order’ ticked and actionable.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 2 days ago by penelope323.
    Thread Starter penelope323


    I have not touched the website since my message two hours ago. However, I have asked a friend to put an order through the cart and she did and the cart has registered it but I have not received an email saying it has arrived, and she has not received an acknowledgement of the order. I am now not getting any emails despite having set up the wp mailer smpt. I need help – I am very much a novice with this site building and am now stuck.

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi again @penelope323,

    Thank you for sharing an update with us.

    WP Mail SMTP is a plugin that helps WordPress websites send emails reliably. It’s not specifically a tool for checking if emails have been sent, but it helps ensure that they are. Brevo, on the other hand, is a mailing system and not directly related to your WooCommerce emails.

    For checking if emails have been sent from your site, you may want to use a plugin like WP Mail Logging. This will log every email sent from your WordPress site, allowing you to see if and when emails are being sent.

    Regarding your issue with the order confirmation emails, it seems like the order notification is working properly since you received an email informing you of a new order. However, I understand that the email you used as the customer email did not receive the order confirmation email this time.

    Please make sure that the ‘New Order’ email is enabled in the WooCommerce > Settings > Emails tab. This email should be sent to customers when an order is received. If it’s already enabled, you might want to check the email address that’s set for ‘Recipient(s)’. It should be a valid email address that can receive emails.

    If you’re still having trouble, please don’t hesitate to get back to us.

    Thread Starter penelope323


    Thank you for that extra help. I have deactivated wp mail smpt and I have installed wp-mail-logging and I have had another test order sent. The log showed that the order confirmation was sent (and I received it) but it did not log that an email was sent to my customer.

    The notification that I received came to the web address that I set in the ‘recipients’ slot. That self evidently does not send to the customer. Is there somewhere that woo commerce registers the email address of the customer? I had a customer send an order from her email address (which is legitimate and current) but she did not received a notification that her order had been accepted.

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hello @penelope32,

    The log showed that the order confirmation was sent (and I received it) but it did not log that an email was sent to my customer.

    It’s good to know you’re able to receive notification emails for orders place. As for the outgoing confirmation email, are you able to confirm that the customer made complete payments for the test order they made?

    hat self evidently does not send to the customer. Is there somewhere that woo commerce registers the email address of the customer? I had a customer send an order from her email address (which is legitimate and current) but she did not received a notification that her order had been accepted.

    WooCommerce does register the customer’s email address. When an order is placed, the customer’s email is automatically saved and used for transactional emails, such as order confirmations.

    If your customer didn’t receive a notification, it might be that the email went to her spam folder, or there could be a problem with your site’s email sending function.

    To troubleshoot further, please check your WooCommerce settings to ensure that the ‘New Order’ and ‘Processing order’ email is enabled. You can find this under WooCommerce > Settings > Emails. You can find more details on email settings from our guide here.

    Looking forward to assisting you further.

    Thread Starter penelope323


    Thank you for your latest advice. ( I am getting more and more frustrated!)

    I have ‘new order’ enabled. I have processing order enabled. I have completed order enabled. I have reset password enabled. I have new account enabled. These have been enabled since I started this request.

    The orders that have been sent have been sent by two different people from two different email addresses. Neither received notification of order and neither had them arrive in spam. The new site logger that your recommended showed that they were not sent. However these payments on the two orders were by ‘direct debit’ (to test without going through paypal or Stripe payments as I would have to refund the people who have been testing and that is difficult for they are in different parts of the country) Would that the order is marked as ‘on hold’ till payment is cleared be relevant? I had assumed that this would not affect the processing of the order as that was information only for the order will still be processed.

    I have not used paypal sandbox – I attempted to but it became decidedly complicated as I already have a business account with Paypal that is with a different website. I do know that paypal is working however. I contacted Stripe directly and again the process of testing was far too complicated.

    What I did do was have someone apply for a new account (‘new account’ is enabled) and they did not received the initial email telling them that the account was being set up – so regardless of gateway payment systems, woo commerce is still not sending emails.

    Thread Starter penelope323


    Urgent! My site is ready to launch but I cannot launch it until Woo commerce sends notifications to customers. What has to be different for you to facilitate this please?

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello penelope323,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Since you’ve already confirmed that notifications for various statuses (new order, processing, completed, reset password, and new account) are enabled, we now need to focus on why those emails aren’t being sent.

    First, let’s tackle the orders. Yes, when an order is marked “on hold,” WooCommerce does not trigger the email notification for processing or completion until the payment status changes.

    The “on hold” status can be relevant in your case because WooCommerce holds off on sending any further notifications until the payment is cleared. That could be the reason those notifications weren’t triggered.

    However, this shouldn’t affect new account or reset password notifications, so that’s where we focus next.

    • For the orders in question, please share screenshots of the Order Notes for both. The notes should help us see if WooCommerce attempted to send an email or if there’s an error logged during that process.
    • Regarding the WP Mail Log you’ve recently set up, could you share a screenshot of that as well?
    • I suggest installing the WP Mail SMTP plugin. This plugin is very helpful for diagnosing email issues and even includes a feature for sending test emails. It can also give you insights into whether your server’s mail function is set up correctly.

    With these details, we can better identify if the issue lies with your site configuration, your host, or something else.

    Let me know how it goes!

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter penelope323


    Thank you for your speedy response and for the clarity. In particular I have installed WP Mail SMPT and because of your instruction was able to do a test. Result here https://snipboard.io/zsgdCM.jpg – I need to explain that I installed this plugin previously, couldn’t make head nor tail of it and landed up with Brevo – it now still has my details ,so following the link ‘our step by step guide’ on that screen shot was to no avail as it seems to be Brevo.

    I have taught myself to build the wordpress website with woo commerce, but I have no knowledge at all of coding or of email systems. I need explicit instructions if I am to do what needs to be done.

    A notification of a new account was received link here https://snipboard.io/W7NKYh.jpg

    these are the links to the two orders https://snipboard.io/QaLu9l.jpg and https://snipboard.io/Ac4hOH.jpg and this is the link to the log https://snipboard.io/VdmTXJ.jpg –

    I have also asked someone to buy something from the shopping cart using paypal and using stripe and am waiting for the response.

    Because I don’t understand plug ins – if I turn one off do I lose the data that is on the website from the plug in? It has been suggested that I deactivate plug ins to test if there is conflict but I don’t want to lose what is currently working as a result of the plugins installed. These are what are currently installed

    https://snipboard.io/Z0vFW3.jpg and https://snipboard.io/h2qND9.jpg

    Thread Starter penelope323


    I have had someone buy something from the shopping cart and put it through paypal. I received a notification from Paypal that a payment had been received. So I looked and found that the order came through to the shopping cart. The customer received this: https://snipboard.io/vK5b06.jpg. But I did NOT receive a notification in my email saying that an order had gone into the shopping cart.

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello penelope323,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Let’s start by focusing on the WP Mail SMTP plugin page and the warning related to DKIM.
    Just to confirm, are you not receiving any of the test emails that were sent?

    I recommend contacting Brevo to fix the issue regarding missing DKIM.
    It looks like this is a requirement from Brevo and without it, emails will not be sent.

    Regarding your question about plugins, when you temporarily disable a plugin, it does not delete any data. Once the plugin is reactivated, all data and settings should still be intact, so you can safely test for conflicts without losing anything on your website.

    Looking forward to your response. ??

    Thread Starter penelope323


    On 12th October I received a notification of a new order.   The customer did not receive notification that the order had been received.  The same applied to two subsequent orders but they were all by bank transfer.   I have since   (yesterday) had someone put in an order through paypal.  He received acknowledgement of the order but I did not get an email saying that an order had been put into the shopping cart.     

    Yesterday a request for a change of password was sent by a customer.   The request has been registered on the site but the customer did not get the change of password email.   https://snipboard.io/vLH8ib.jpg

      I rejected Brevo some time ago when I deactivated wp mail smtp.    The only reason I reactivated was because you advised me as to how to send a test mail.   I have not, and do not, want to pursue Brevo – it seems to be a bulk mailing system that I do not want or need.

    I do not know what DKIM is – I reiterate I do not understand anything associated with emails.

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