• earthnutvt


    I’ve never had this issue before and am not sure what the problem is. The email arrived like this:

    <!doctype html>=0A<html xmlns=3D”https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml” dir=3D”lt=
    r” lang=3D”en-US”>=0A<head>=0A<title>Contact Page Form Submission</title=

    =0A</head>=0A<body>=0A<p>From: Jane Smith=0A</p>=0A<p>Email: info@pr=

    ofunctionweb.com=0A</p>=0A<p>Telephone:=0A</p>=0A<p>Message Body:<br />=
    =0AThis is a test=0A</p>=0A<p>Add to email list?<br />=0ANot consented:=
    Yes, add me to your email list=0A</p>=0A<p>–<br />=0AThis is a notific=
    ation that a contact form was submitted on your website (VT-NH Asylum Su=
    pport Network https://vtasylumsupport.org).=0A</p></body>=0A</html>

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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