Hi @kontext ,
We attempted to replicate the issue on our end but were unable to reproduce the same behavior. It’s important to note that each email client applies its own styles, which can sometimes affect the customizations made in your email template. This might explain the discrepancy you’re seeing in Proton Mail compared to Gmail and Hotmail.
Could you please let us know if you have made any customizations in the container section of the plugin settings? If so, kindly revert the settings and check if the issue persists. Additionally, please share screenshots of the settings you have applied so we can review them.
Additionally, please provide us with your WooCommerce System Status report. You can access the System Status report by navigating to WooCommerce -> Status -> Get system status report. This report provides details about your site environment and configurations. If you have any privacy concerns, you can share the required information through this secure link.
Looking forward to your response.