• Resolved Will Beeler


    I’m using the latest WordPress version, and the latest Jigoshop (i just re-installed it and setup everything again). The WP SMTP Mail plugin is working fine! However, I’m not getting any emails whatsoever. I need help on this ASAP. My client is pissed.

    ### Begin System Info ###

    Multi-site: No

    SITE_URL: https://www.rosvillagestore.com
    HOME_URL: https://www.rosvillagestore.com

    Jigoshop Version: 1.15.2
    WordPress Version: 4.1

    Platform: Apple
    Browser Name: Chrome
    Browser Version: 39.0.2171.95
    User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Ma
    c OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/537.
    36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39
    .0.2171.95 Safari/537.36

    PHP Version: 5.6.4
    MySQL Version: 5.5.40
    Web Server Info: Apache/2.4.9 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.1f

    eAccelerator: Disabled
    APC: Disabled
    OpCache: Enabled

    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    PHP Post Max Size: 128MB
    PHP Upload Max File Size: 128MB
    PHP Max Input Time: -1
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
    WordPress Memory Limit: 96MB

    Short Open Tag: Enabled
    Allow URL fopen: Enabled

    WP_DEBUG: Disabled
    WP Table Prefix: Length: 4 Status: Acceptable

    Show On Front: page
    Page On Front: 22
    Page For Posts: 0

    Session: Enabled
    Session Name: PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path: /
    Save Path: /srv/users/serverpilot/tmp/rosvillagestore
    Use Cookies: On
    Use Only Cookies: On

    FSOCKOPEN: Supported


    Advanced Custom Fields: 4.3.9
    Advanced Custom Fields: Options Page: 1.2.0
    Advanced Custom Fields: Repeater Field: 1.1.1
    Akismet: 3.0.4
    All In One SEO Pack: 2.2.4
    Breadcrumb NavXT: 5.1.1
    Gravity Forms: 1.8.3
    Groups: 1.4.13
    Groups Jigoshop: 2.5.3
    Groups Subscriptions: 2.2.1
    Image Widget: 4.1
    Jigoshop: 1.15.2
    Jigoshop – Mini Cart Deluxe: 1.3
    Jigoshop – Up-sells/Cross-sells: 1.3
    Jigoshop Customer Discounts: 2.3.1
    Jigoshop Stripe Gateway: 1.3.5
    Login Logo: 0.7
    No Self Pings: 0.2
    Omni Secure Files: 0.1.15
    Regenerate Thumbnails: 2.2.4
    Search Everything: 8.1.3
    Social Media Widget: 4.0.2
    TubePress: 3.1.6
    Types – Complete Solution for Custom Fields and Types: 1.6.4
    WordPress HTTPS: 3.3.6
    WP-Mail-SMTP: 0.9.5
    WP-PageNavi: 2.87
    Wp Pagenavi Style: 1.4


    ROS Village Store: 1.0

    ### End System Info ###


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  • Thread Starter Will Beeler


    Also, just so that we’re on the same page:

    1. I can confirm that I can send emails from the command line of the server.
    2. I can confirm that I can send emails from the WP SMTP Plugin that Jigoshop recommends via Smtp.
    3. I can confirm that I deactivated all other plugins and deleted jigoshop and reinstalled Jigoshop. After which I tried both a Payment gateway, and money by order, or whatever that one payment option is.


    Thread Starter Will Beeler


    My bad, Cash on Delivery, that’s what I was referring to in #3.

    Hi Wil,
    Please check your Jigoshop/Emails tab. Do you have e-mails generated there? If not – you can generate them from Jigoshop Settings/General

    Thread Starter Will Beeler


    Yes, they are generated there. That’s not the problem, it’s that the email is not being sent to the Admin and the Client once something is purchased! Please get back to me quickly on this.


    we’ll need to see your setup there
    please provide admin access to your test/live site via [email protected] with link to that topic to let support know which issue is it related to

    Thread Starter Will Beeler


    Ok, I’ve added you as a user. I can also confirm that I deleted all of the default emails, re-generated them, and tried again. No dice.

    Where do I send the link? To [email protected]?


    Thread Starter Will Beeler


    Any word yet?

    Plugin Author MWSGD


    ?I switched WP-Mail-SMTP to use ‘PHP mail()’ instead of SMTP and email seems to be working now.

    Michael – I see that you fixed this for Will. I have the same issue. Client is pissed. We were getting New order admin notification emails but now we are not. At a recommendation I instaled WP-MAIL-SMTP plugin and had it set to SMTP but nothing was working so I just went back to PHP mail().

    If I send you user credentials to support@…. can you take a look and make sure I have it all set up properly and get it working again?

    I believe customer is getting emails but we are not when an order is purchased. We get the Paypal email, not the Jigoshop email.

    So perhaps run a test order and we will see if we get the New order admin notification emails.

    Let me know and I will set up credentials.


    Plugin Author MWSGD


    Sure, we can take a quick look. Just mail it to [email protected]

    Thread Starter Will Beeler


    To let you guys know, this is still an issue apparently. We’ve received several orders without any emails being sent to the customer with the download details inside. We need to make sure this gets fixed.


    I eventually did a clean install of the last stable version of Jigo then upgraded and the emails came back. However my problem now is that previous orders are getting order complete emails from when the status changed from on hold or pending. They are being sent out with current dates but the orders are all from the past and were processed. I went into jigoshop_emails.php and commented out the add_action line that sent the confirmation email to the customer. Now I have to wait to see if the order complete emails are still going out.

    Orders in Jigo that get stuck on pending (due to PayPal for example) and stuck on processing or on hold seem to be the culprit.

    Plugin Author MWSGD


    @will – Do you have WP-Mail-SMTP still installed?

    @nathancoffey – I’ll get info for this issue with older confirmation emails being sent.

    Plugin Author MWSGD


    @nathancoffey – The best way to prevent new confirmation emails from orders when the status changes is to open the jigoshop_emails.php file and comment out the action:

    add_action('order_status_pending_to_completed', 'jigoshop_new_order_notification');

    Which is how you’ve already done. ??

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