• rudeseal


    This is a wierd problem.. Before I start, let me say that I have WYSIWYG turned off, along with the XML stuff is turned off. I am working with the Code window only. And also I do not need replies where someone suggests a plug-in, this is a new problem (Bug) within version 2.1 of WordPress, whereas this problem was not seen in earlier versions of WordPress..

    Ok, I am trying to embed a YouTube video and I am using <p align="center"> to center it up in a posting. I had no problem with the following code using 2.0x version of WP. But now that I have updated to 2.1 I am seeing this problem. Basically if you post the code below, you will see what looks like a missing graphic with a bitty little “x” where the youtube video should be.

    <P align="center"> <object width="425" height="350">
    <param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/ZByndN_ffyw">
    </param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param>
    <embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/ZByndN_ffyw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> </P>

    If you remove the <p align="center"> and the `
    ` from the post the video will be seen on the post albiet not centered. If you also move the paragraph stuff to a seperate line as so:

    <P align="center">

    <object width="425" height="350">
    <param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/ZByndN_ffyw">
    </param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param>
    <embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/ZByndN_ffyw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>


    The Video will be seen. But the problem with this is that the video will not center. I have also tried using the paragraph format without the align="center" with the same results where the video only shows up as a “Broken” graphic symbol.

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  • if you happened to read any of the other posts re: you tube most of the replies tell the original poster to turn OFF the RTE.

    I dont use it, never have, never will. I type. My CSS does everything else.

    Therefore, what I showed you works. Flawlessly, in fact. ??

    Guibuu, that worked well – Easy…Just have to make sure you hit ‘Save’ and then exit the post once you’ve dumped the code in there.


    i have the same problem with embedding the youtube code.
    i have tried your suggestions but none worked for me…
    when i insert the youtube code and “save” the post nothing appears, and when i go back to the code i see that IT WAS CHANGED…only the youtube code i inserted look different now…
    i tried putting it in <p></p> or <div>
    but it didn’t help.
    here is the code BEFORE:

    <p>text of post…</p>
    <p>more text</p>
    <p><object width=”425″ height=”350″>
    <param name=”movie” value=”https://www.youtube.com/v/kGtCrgsCACI”></param&gt;
    <param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param>
    <embed src=”https://www.youtube.com/v/kGtCrgsCACI&#8221; type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”350″></embed>

    and AFTER:

    <p>text of post…</p>
    <p>more text</p>
    <p><object width=”425″ height=”350″></p>
    <param name=”movie” value=”https://www.youtube.com/v/kGtCrgsCACI&#8221; />
    <param name=”wmode” value=”transparent” /></object>

    can anyone explain this to me?

    Somebody else with similar problems here…I don’t care about the alignment. I’ve turned the rich editor off and I’ve used viper’s plugin and the youtube videos are coming up with question marks in firefox. On some threads people have been saying the issue is with the theme. I’m using Barecity. Excuse my ignorance, but does that mean there some sort of stylesheet in the theme that’s making the embed code not work in firefox? And if that’s so, is it not possible to edit the CSS page of the theme to fix that?


    Being very new to this, and talking about things that are a bit below the tech level of some of you, can I ask what is the easiest quickest way for me to have video in my blog???

    Any specific plugin?

    I have Advanced TinyMCE Editor installed, and it has a button for video, but every time I try to get a video on there to play, I get an error that says I don’t have a necessary plugin. Now, I know I have those plugins on my computer… is it saying I need the players on my site???

    I can get to where I have a static screen (like what youtube looks like before you start it by pushing play) with an image, but when you push play, nothing but the error.

    Any help greatly appreciated…

    By the way, 2.3.1, Mandigo theme…

    By the way, 2.3.1, Mandigo theme…

    Turning off the RTE and proper styling (using the div or class as discussed above) certainly helped to make this work for me.

    However, I noticed another problem. My blog EDITOR users were not able to do the same thing as my ADMIN user. Every time the editors hit Save buttons, the embedded video code snippet would be obliterated – even when the RTE was turned off. This leads me to believe that the WordPress editor (even in RTE off mode) is affected by the user role, and the code in the editor can be impacted. This must be a bug in the editor.

    I’m wondering if anyone else out there noticed this and knows of some fix that may be available.

    – Something Digital

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