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  • Plugin Support Nayeem-Ul-Islam Nipun


    Hi @savethefrogs,
    Greetings. Hope you are doing well.

    Regarding your query, you can use shortcode parameters to customize the EmbedPress PDF shortcode. The shortcode will be like this –

    [embedpress_pdf width="700" height="500"]....[/embedpress_pdf]

    The other parameters will be –

    theme_mode = 'default/dark/light' 
    toolbar = true/false
    presentation = true/false
    toolbar_position = 'top/bottom'
    download = true/false
    copy_text = true/false
    doc_rotation = true/false
    doc_details = true/false

    Hope this will help you out. Please let me know how it goes. I am here to assist you further.

    Thanks and Regards.

    Thread Starter savethefrogs


    Thank you! These should definitely be included in the EmbedPress PDF documentation.

    I am able to set the width and height, but I cannot make the left sidebar disappear:

    [embedpress_pdf height="700" width="1000" presentation="false"][/embedpress_pdf]
    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @savethefrogs ,

    To disable the sidebar, download the PDF and upload it to your media library. By default, using a self-hosted PDF won’t display the side preview. Please verify this here:

    However, embedding from the live URL is already available for Elementor Editor. You can check that out here: We hope to bring this same feature to Gutenberg in the future.


    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @savethefrogs

    We haven’t received any updates from you since then. Could you please provide us with an update?

    We eagerly await your response.

    Thread Starter savethefrogs


    Hi Ashikur, I am actually only interested in displaying PDF’s that live outside my website. I will use a different plugin if EmbedPress doesn’t provide sidebar controls for PDF’s hosted outside of one’s site. Thanks for helping!


    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @savethefrogs,
    Greetings. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

    For embedding PDF from an external site using the iframe control via the browser itself, please check using Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome to observe different functionalities. When checking in Mozilla, you will see the sidebar hidden by default. When using Chrome, you will notice the sidebar is initially open. Once you close the sidebar in Chrome and revisit, it will remain closed unless you clear your browser cache. You can view the demonstration here:

    Please check and let us know how it goes. However, we’ll try to improve the feature as well.
    Best regards!

    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman



    Regarding your issue, we still haven’t heard back from you. So, we’re assuming your issue has been resolved. I am resolving this topic. You’re always welcome to reopen the topic again if you face any issues.

    Have a nice day!

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