Hello ?? sorry for the delay but it took me a while to find a solution…
Unfortunately I tried doing as I said, i.e. creating another set of fonts for the range of the emoji unicode, but it gets a bit complex and difficult to make it work with every theme.
Anyhow i have another solution, checkout this:
I basically use a regex to select and wrap all the emoji on the page inside a span with the “dark” class, and I also add a style to the page that extends the functionality to everything with the dark class.
it’s a patch, however I suggest you do what is described in the readme, to override my style and create your own that, when the “.dark-mode” class is enabled, inverts the text colour with the background colour. As I say in the plugin readme all the themes for WordPress are very varied and I can’t go for it, using the revert is just a demonstration that the plugin works but I warmly suggest to use a custom style for a better result.
This does not exclude that if I come up with something better I will include it in future releases, but for the moment this is the best I could do! ??