• I have NOT been able to save or publish posts for a few months (since November or so) without getting an “Updating failed. Could not update post in the database.” message (I have the latest version of WordPress, GeneratePress and have just updated all plugins).

    Now that I have had time to look at it closely, the underlying cause seems to be Emojis in posts e.g. I am able to save a post without them; but as soon as I add just one, I can’t save it without the error message (NOTE: I namely copy and paste posts written on Substack that contains numerous Emoji flags etc in headers, headlines, etc). I am not sure why this suddenly started to happen a few months ago…

    1. What is the underlying cause for this e.g. the theme or a plugin?
    2. What is the solution other than not having Emojis in posts or copying them from Substack?
    3. Is there a set of Emojis that might work better? Note: I usually copy them from Emojipedia.

    Note: I have another (static) website with no posts but Emojis on pages (limited to a few types though) and I am not having this problem (I am also not having the problem if I copy and paste a post from Substack and save it as a post on this other website). The theme is the same albeit there are some different plug-ins. Everything has been updated.

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  • Hi there,

    its not a theme issue. Its more likely WordPress or a security plugin not liking the emoji codes you’re adding.

    There are some emoji plugins that you may want to try

    Thread Starter WPUser916


    Hmm security plugins are the same versions on both sites… I can see the Emojis in old published posts, but if I edit them I can’t save/publish them again…



    As David suggested, this is not a theme issue so you will need to go through further debugging steps.

    You can always activate a Twenty series WP theme to test.

    Thread Starter WPUser916


    According to Google, other people have had this problem. Four character Emojis like U+2639 will work fine BUT five character ones like U+1F600 will not work while all work on the other site (which has fewer plugins)…

    I also disabled:

    Otter – Page Builder Blocks & Extensions for Gutenberg

    WP Edit

    I found this on StackOverflow where the same error was reported:


    Might be worth a shot
    You may want to ask this in the main www.ads-software.com forum as the wider audience may have similar experiences

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