Right, seeing as I can’t add screenshots I’ll try to explain it.
I go to: [my domain]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpseo_titles#top#taxonomies
Next I fold open the top one “Category”.
In the description field I see the text I entered a while ago:
Bestel voor 17.00u, volgende werkdag binnen! Vanaf € 50,- gratis verzending. 7-daagse klantenservice.
In the description field I enter the following:
Bestel voor 17.00u ⏰ ;, volgende werkdag binnen ✔ ;! Vanaf € 50,- gratis verzending 📮 ;. 7-daagse klantenservice.
***I added a space in front of ; to prevent the code changing into emoticons ***
Which should look like:
Bestel voor 17.00u ?, volgende werkdag binnen ?! Vanaf € 50,- gratis verzending ??. 7-daagse klantenservice.
I then click on “Save changes”, the page reloads and my emoticons the Meta Description field now shows the text including the emoticons.
I then take the next field and fold open Post-Tag. The description shows the same text:
Bestel voor 17.00u, volgende werkdag binnen! Vanaf € 50,- gratis verzending. 7-daagse klantenservice.
So I first copy/paste the emoticon-filled text from Categories (which I just changed) and click Save Changes. The page reloads, and guess what: it didn’t save anything. It still shows the same text that was here before.
So, attempt 2: I copy/paste the text with the &# codes in it (not the visual emoticon, but the HTML entity).
Again, I click Save Changes and whatch the page reload. But… nothing saved. The description in Post-Tag still says:
Bestel voor 17.00u, volgende werkdag binnen! Vanaf € 50,- gratis verzending. 7-daagse klantenservice.
(without the emoticon)
So I checked wether it would save anything at all. I change the text in a few random words without any emoticons. Click Save Changes, and behold… my changes are saved and my random text shows up in the description.
So…. I add a simple emoticon: ☺ ; which is just a smiley face: “?”. Saved the changes again and watch the page reload. Result: nothing. The smiley is gone and my random text is still there.
I tried the same with several other fields, and even tried to change it in the tab “post types”. But same results. So there are a few places where it works, but many, many others where it doesn’t work.
If I open a page, or post and I do the same thing it doesn’t work. Both the &# code won’t work, but the actual emoticon itself also doesn’t work.
BUT… If I enter the smiley-filled text in the Excerpt, and then enter %%excerpt%% in the snipper, it does work (Even though %%excerpt%% isn’t shown in the useable snippets for some weird reason [facepalm]).
So, like I said before, it works sometimes but more often it doesn’t.
If this was a problem with my database or my host, it wouldn’t work anywhere, not sometimes yes and sometimes no.
Ooh, and smileys in any other text-field works great. You plugin is the only one I have that still (after many years) isn’t capable of actually processing these common things properly.
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
supervinnie40. Reason: added space to prevent code changing into emoticons