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  • Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler


    These forums at are provided to us exclusively for plugins distributed from The premium add-ons are supported for users with active licenses via

    You can override the templates to include notices. For the URL length, this tutorial can give you ideas:


    Thread Starter Yunis777



    How do I subsitute the bold text “Login (see menu)” in the following web page an hyperlink to and the text “login”?

    The plugin String Locator is producing the following PHP code of the place where text on the web page:

    <?php global $post; ?>
    <form class="apply_with_resume" method="post" action="<?php echo get_permalink( get_option( 
    'resume_manager_submit_resume_form_page_id' ) ); ?>">
        <p><?php _e( 'Before applying for this position you need to <strong>Login (see menu)</strong>. If you have never sent your C.V. to 
    us before, click on the following button:', 'wp-job-manager-resumes' ); ?></p>
            <input type="submit" name="wp_job_manager_resumes_apply_with_resume_create" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Register your 
    digital marketing skills', 'wp-job-manager-resumes' ); ?>" />
            <input type="hidden" name="job_id" value="<?php echo absint( $post->ID ); ?>" />

    Do you know how I can change the code to produce an hyperlink element?

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    <?php _e( 'Before applying for this position you need to <strong><a href="">Login</a></strong>

    Thread Starter Yunis777



    Thanks for your reply. I tried changing the code of the file with the code you gave me but nothing seems to have changed.

    The bold “Login (see menu)” has not been replaced with an hyperlink to a login page.

    This is how the code of wp-content/plugins/wp-job-manager-resumes/templates/force-apply-with-resume.php is now looking:

    <?php global $post; ?>
    <form class="apply_with_resume" method="post" action="<?php echo get_permalink( get_option( 'resume_manager_submit_resume_form_page_id' ) ); ?>">
        <p><?php _e( 'Before applying for this position you need to <strong><a href="">Login</a></strong>. If you have never sent your C.V. to us before, click on the following button:', 'wp-job-manager-resumes' ); ?></p>
            <input type="submit" name="wp_job_manager_resumes_apply_with_resume_create" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Register your digital marketing skills', 'wp-job-manager-resumes' ); ?>" />
            <input type="hidden" name="job_id" value="<?php echo absint( $post->ID ); ?>" />

    To make the above changes in the code, I am doing it with the aid of the “String Locator” plugin.

    Look forward to hearing from you.


    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    I don’t suggest editing the plugin files. Please follow the procedure indicated at Editing the plugin files directly will result in your changes being lost on the next update.

    I’m not familiar with String Locator.

    If another plugin/theme is already overriding our template, that could result in the lack of change you’re seeing.

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