• On large sites, the page cache folder becomes extremely large. This isn’t a bad thing in itself, but it means that the ‘Empty all caches’ button always times out.

    This is because rather than delete the folder, it loops through every single file and adds an ‘old’ prefix. This means even after you’ve clicked the ‘Empty all caches’ button, clicking it a second time is no faster.

    I saw an earlier post on this matter, where the response was that you shouldn’t need to empty all caches very often. This is not true for multiple reasons:

    – a design update that needs to apply over all pages
    – any attempts at editing a user or editing a nav menu item automatically force a full cache clear, and thus also time out.

    I can see no reason not to actually delete the entire folder when all caches are cleared. Doing so manually still takes a while, but at least it means further attempts happen instantly, allowing operations on the backend to start working properly!


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