• Resolved flamuren


    Hi, I made a question to you before regarding the translation of my empty cart. It wont work with loco translate even tho I find the string there. Here is my first question:

    The thing is I realized its not the best way to force a translation using get text. I have got two other options from a nice person helping me, but they wont work for me. Can you guys see if I need to adjust anything in the code? I add them in my child themes function file.

    Version 1 (what is supposed to be the best one he said):

    add_filter( 'wc_empty_cart_message', 'my_woocommerce_empty_cart_message' );
    function my_woocommerce_empty_cart_message() {
    return 'Inga produkter i varukorgen.';

    Version 2 (better than my get text code, but still wont work):

    add_filter( 'gettext', 'change_translate_text', 20, 3 );
    function change_translate_text( $translated_text, $untranslated_text, $domain ) {
    	if ( 'woocommerce' !== $domain ) {
    		return $translated_text;
    	if ( 'Your cart is currently empty.' === $translated_text ) {
    		$translated_text = 'Inga produkter i varukorgen.';
    	return $translated_text;

    Version 3 (this is the only code that works on my website and it translates the empty cart):

    function change_translate_text( $translated_text ) {
        if ( 'No products in the cart.'  === $translated_text ) {
            $translated_text = 'Inga produkter i varukorgen.';
        return $translated_text;
    add_filter( 'gettext', 'change_translate_text', 20 );


    Any suggestion on how to optimize the code but still make it work?

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  • Thread Starter flamuren


    Ok, thanks. Can I try and change the string in the file directly? (wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/modules/woocommerce/wc-templates/cart/mini-cart.php)

    Of course you can change the file directly and put that message in Swedish if your site is only in Swedish.
    However: Before doing that, make sure to save a backup copy of the original file, just in case.
    And remember that if you install an update of the plugin, then the whole directory of this plugin will be wiped out and replace with the new version, essentially undoing your edits.

    A nicer solution would be if you shared here the exact code you’ve got around this string (include 2-3 rows above and 2-3 rows after), and we’ll be able to suggest how to fix this nicely.

    Thread Starter flamuren


    This is the code in that file:

    $cart_items = WC()->cart->get_cart();

    if ( empty( $cart_items ) ) { ?>
    <div class=”woocommerce-mini-cart__empty-message”><?php esc_attr_e( ‘No products in the cart.’, ‘elementor-pro’ ); ?></div>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <div class=”elementor-menu-cart__products woocommerce-mini-cart cart woocommerce-cart-form__contents”>
    do_action( ‘woocommerce_before_mini_cart_contents’ );`

    foreach ( $cart_items as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) {
    elementor_pro_render_mini_cart_item( $cart_item_key, $cart_item );

    do_action( ‘woocommerce_mini_cart_contents’ );

    So in /wp-content/languages/plugins/ you need to have a file pair, named elementor-pro-sv_SE.po and …mo and in these you need to include this string exactly.
    If you can’t add it via Loco, then open the .po file in a text editor and simply add the entry you need. Next use Loco or Poedit to compile the file into .mo

    Thread Starter flamuren


    Oh my. It sounds like I could do something wrong there. I will keep that and see if I will do that later on. I have got a bit of a hesitens for loco translate. Feels like it adds so many things all the time.

    I changed the string in the php file and now it works!! Thank you tobi!! ?? Could I just leave it perhaps? Or will it be removed next time elementor updates or just that specific file updates?

    Your edit will be gone next time this plugin updates. And there’s no guarantee that this file doesn’t change.

    Another way to specifically hit a certain string could be to use https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/say-what/

    Thread Starter flamuren


    Yes that is true. Updated elementor just now and the translation is gone.

    I will have to test what you suggested with loco ??

    A side question. In /wp-content/languages/plugins/ there is super many woocommerce files with .json after the .mo and .po. Is that correct? No other plugin does this ???♂?

    Translations that are consumed by JavaScript code are distributed as .json. You can read https://make.www.ads-software.com/core/2018/11/09/new-javascript-i18n-support-in-wordpress/ for an introduction to that.

    Thread Starter flamuren


    You are fantastic with all your knowledge ????

    Just a question on that loco fix.

    I made a text file with the name elementor-pro-sv_SE.po

    Do I need to write like this in the text/po file?:

    #: templates/cart/mini-cart.php:72 (the number would be the line of the string in the php file?)
    msgctxt “Inga produkter i varukorgen.”
    msgid “No products in the cart.”
    msgstr “”

    The # line is just a comment and not needed.
    The msgctxt is a very specific thing that I explained in a previous comment. It would be needed if the translation call was calling _x() (See https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/_x/ for more details)

    So here you need to put (with an empty line before and after):

    msgid "No products in the cart."
    msgstr "Varukorten ?r tom"

    Oh, and those quotation marks should be straight…

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