• Hi, and thanks for the great plugin!

    Problem: The category filter with hierarchy shows parents and children categories, ALL with product counts. Correct + Great!

    But when selecting the top parent, it doesn’t show any product. Only children categories do.

    When selecting a parent category, the filter needs to show results from all children categories of that parent because technically those products belong to the parent even if not assigned directly to the parent.

    I can’t put the products in all parent categories because it would create other problems in our shop. The filter logic is AND.

    Thank you for your time.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author themifyme



    Sorry, but I couldn’t access the link you’ve posted, but the Category’s Logic must be set to “OR” if you want to show all sub-categories as well when the parent is selected, else in case you’re including Categories one-by-one by using the Include / Exclude field, then the sub-categories’ IDs must also be included if you want to show them.

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