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  • Can you try adding the following snippet to your theme’s functions.php file? Note that you probably won’t need the opening <?php tag. We are aware of some issues here and a substantive fix should be included in one of our upcoming maintenance releases.


    Same here.

    After update to 3.1 (and new WP) comments from events are… dissapear. There are No comments and no comments form. Of course “show comments” in global events config is checked and “show comments” in every events is also checked. Nothing change.


    <?php if( get_post_type() == TribeEvents::POSTTYPE && tribe_get_option( 'showComments','no' ) == 'yes' ) { comments_template(); } ?>

    this gives TRUE but still there is no comments ;(

    Looks like I omitted the actual fix in my last reply, sorry about that.

    @ubunciak: can you confirm if you are using the Default Page Template or Default Events Template here and if switching between them makes any difference here?

    Yes, it’s “Default page template”. Switching no difference.

    If this could help: I try switch to another theme: and with some default themes (twentyeleven etc.) comments are loading, but in few others random themes – not.


    line 91

    // Don't show the comments form inside the view (if comments are enabled,
    			// they'll show on their own after the loop)
    			if ( ! ( tribe_get_option('tribeEventsTemplate', 'default') == '' ) ) {
    				//add_filter('comments_template', array( $this, 'remove_comments_template' ) );

    after remove add_filter everything back to normal.

    OK – I don’t recommend changing core code in this way (changes may be wiped upon updating) and it would probably be better to remove the filter with a remove_filter() call instead.

    Glad you’ve arrived at a solution though ??

    Does the code above help with showing the comments on the front end of single events?

    Plugin Contributor leahkoerper


    Hi jazz police,

    You might try switching your template and see if that makes a difference, as Barry suggested above. If that doesn’t help than you best bet it to get in touch with your theme’s developer and see if they can help. Here are some more resources that might be helpful for you:

    ? Themer’s Guide
    ? Tutorials
    ? Technical Docs

    Good luck, and thanks for using The Events Calendar!


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