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  • This is a shot in the dark – but try clearing your browsers cache. Stop and restart browser and try again.



    It won’t work for logged-in users. Try to log off.

    Thread Starter sonnycool


    i try with different browser but still not working …
    anyone wanna try ?

    thanks guy



    It’s working correctly.

    Perhaps you misunderstand the ‘hide login’ or perhaps it should not use the word ‘hide’. Or perhaps I misunderstand what you mean of the not working is.

    Your website still access-able when visitor try to add “/login”, but the page is prohibited. That’s why I get a page with message:

    Page not found | Malaysia Property Agent
    This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?
    It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.

    I just visited your link, I’m from Indonesia you can see my IP being logged in the 404 errors log. So simply to say, it’s working correctly.

    Thread Starter sonnycool


    OK thanks …
    than what the purpose for it ?
    or i should change /login to /wp-login.php to ??

    sorry really noob on it, thanks



    Okay, lets we try again step-by-step to test it thoroughly

    First, disable the plugin and then re-enable it again. Goto menu > Security > Hide Backend > disable the Enable Hide Backend. If you use any caching plugin, you need to empty the cache.

    Contact me (post a message), I’m waiting and will test it.

    Thread Starter sonnycool


    ok i just try ….
    disable -> enable ->hide ->disable ….
    btw i’m using wpms …

    btw can tell me this hide features and purpose ???
    i thought this suppose to be disable /wp-login.php and use /login

    Thread Starter sonnycool


    forget to add result :
    after disable (uncheck), yes it redirect login to wp-login.php but wp-login.php still working



    Sorry on my previous post, I made mistakes. Forget it, now lets we continue the test, I’m willing to help you.

    Okay, just tested your wp-login.php. I saw the login form.

    Now, enable the hide login:
    1. Goto menu > Security > Hide Backend > enable the Enable Hide Backend.
    2. Change to login slug to “testlogin”.
    3. Remember click “Save Changes”.

    I’m waiting.

    Thread Starter sonnycool


    done ….
    but it become 404 again ….



    My test showing fail.

    Things to check:
    – Do you use any caching plugin? Tell me if yes
    – Goto menu > Security > System Tweaks > enable Write to WordPress core files

    I’m waiting.

    Thread Starter sonnycool


    no cache .. this is only plugin i use.
    btw my setup is wpms with network activated.

    goto menu ->sec -> sys twe -> enable ? don’t see this but i recall saw it when my first installation and i do click it ..



    This plugin support WordPress Multisite. And yes, it should be network activated (not per site activated).

    Can you goto System Tweaks?

    Thread Starter sonnycool


    yes can it show : server tweak, header tweak, dashboard, strong password and other tweak …



    The setting: “Write to WordPress core files” is near the end of the page, you may need to scroll down, it is on the group: “Other Tweaks“.

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