• Hi,

    i’m using this great plugin
    the language of the articles and urls is Greek (not latin).
    i’ve installed and enable a plugin that automatically converts the permalink title from Greek to latin characters. This is working great.

    When the article is being saved as draft the article has permalink with latin characters, the issue is that when autopost takes action and publishes the post the permalink is again converted to non latin (greek characters).

    Do you have an idea how i could activate the convertion plugin prior publishing the article with autopost?


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  • Plugin Author johnh10


    Posts are updated using wp_update_post and WordPress updates the permalink.
    Try to hook your plugin into a post status transition for the conversion.

    Thread Starter stelaras1


    thaks for your reply..

    to put it more simple
    i need to change the post title with specific characters.
    So i ‘ve added to the function.php file the:


    function my_the_title( $title ) {
    $title = str_replace( ‘b’, ‘B’, $title );
    $title = str_replace( ‘a’, ‘A’, $title );

    return $title;

    which changes the b->B and a->A

    When the posts are in draft mode and being published it seems that function.php is not applied prior publish so as to change the letters and store them in the db properly. The posts are published with the initial characters and then function.php comes afterwards and just change the display of these letter.

    any ideas would be more than welcom :))

    Plugin Author johnh10


    the_title‘ filter is applied when the post title is retrieved from the database.

    try the post status transition hook mentioned above.

    Thread Starter stelaras1


    meaning that the title filter could be applied to post title and saved to db with the changed letters?(and not applied afterwards?)

    Plugin Author johnh10


    No, it is applied when the post title is retrieved from the database.

    Thread Starter stelaras1


    the filter is applied when the post title is retrieved from the database without doing anything, this is the default behaviour

    my goal would be to be applied prior saving the post title to the database when changed from draft status to published with APS

    Do you think that could be done?

    thanks for your time

    Plugin Author johnh10


    Yes just follow the WordPress docs.

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