• Resolved JacobTheDev


    We’re having a strange issue with the latest version of the plugin (using the new interface). When we go to Yoast SEO -> Settings -> Content types -> $custom_post_type, we get the following error.

    TypeError: e.match is not a function

    This appears to be related to a regex match on a field that doesn’t exist, at packages/js/src/settings/components/formik-replacement-variable-editor-field.js at line 33 in the source code available on your GitHub repository.

    We suspect something got messed up when we moved from one hosting environment to another, but we can’t figure out what the actual issue is. If we need to go in to the database and fix something manually, we can do that, we just need some guidance on *what* needs fixed.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by JacobTheDev.
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  • Thread Starter JacobTheDev


    Tracked it down, the data in wp_options -> wpseo_titles was missing a lot of data from the our previous hosting environment. I’m wondering if it has something do with the serialization. We use a tool called “Serialized Find-and-Replace” to run replacements on databases when we launch a site from our “beta” to “live” environments, and I wonder if the data in this particular field got unserialized, then reserialized incorrectly. Not sure what to do about that, but you might want to pass it along to your developers… we’ll keep an eye out for it manually for now.

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