Hello again,
We have just tested with a fresh copy of WordPress v6.3.1, Twenty Twenty v2.2 and Options for Twenty Twenty v1.6.2 and were not able to replicate any of the issues you report in this review. We suspect perhaps something else was the cause.
We were easily able to change the site logo (via “Customizer – Site Identity – Logo – Change Logo”) which works perfectly.
We were also able to add featured images to pages and posts without issue. Perhaps you had turned on “Customizer – Content Options – Hide All Featured Images”?
We would ask that you kindly re-think your review especially seeing as your statement that the “free version has very limited possibilities” is not very fair considering the large number of features in this free plugin namely …
General Options
- Option to diable the Inter Var WOFF2 font to speed up the site.
- Force all posts and / or pages to use the same template.
- Choose default text color.
- Remove link underlines.
- Change the colors of the social menu icons.
- Grid Template for taxonomy / posts / blog pages.
- Option to fix background “parallax” effect on Apple iOS mobile devices.
- Option to remove the background image for smaller screens.
Navigation Options
- Change the width of the site’s navigation.
- Make main navigation background transparent.
- Choose a background color for the main navigation.
- Change the site title in the navigation bar.
- Move the site description below the site title on large screens.
- Style the font case, size, weight and color of the site title.
- Hide the site description in the navigation bar.
- Style the font case, size, weight and color of the site description.
- Style the font case, size, weight and color of the main navigation links.
- Change the color of submenu background and links.
- Hide “Menu” and “Search” text below icons in the main navigation.
- Change menu toggle to a hamburger icon.
- Hide social menus.
- Align footer social menu.
Header Options
- Hide archive headers.
- Align the archive titles.
- Remove the prefix from archive titles.
- Style the font case, size, weight and color of the archive, post and page titles.
- Align the archive description.
- Hide all headers.
- Make the header background transparent.
- Use the feeatured image as the header background.
- Change the width of the site’s header.
- Hide the categories in the post header.
- Change the colour of the categories in the post header.
- Change the height of the padding above and below the archive header title.
- Change the height of the padding above and below the post / page header title.
- Hide all header titles.
- Align the header titles.
- Style the font case, size, weight and color of the header title.
- Hide the excerpt on single posts.
- Change the font size of the except on single posts.
- Align the header post meta.
- Choose post meta items (Author, Categories, Comments, Post Date, Sticky, Tags) below the post title.
Content Options
- Inject Yoast SEO or Breadcrumb NavXT breadcrumbs above page content.
- Hide all featured images.
- Move featured imagess to the top of the page.
- Make featured images full width.
- Change the width of the site’s content.
- Choose a color for links in the site’s content.
- Choose post meta items (Author, Categories, Comments, Post Date, Sticky, Tags) below the post.
- Style the post separator.
- Hide previous and next post links.
- Choose a button background color.
Footer Options
- Push footer to the bottom of the browser window.
- Choose a background color for the footer area.
- Change the padding / margin for all parts of the footer.
- Change the color of footer text and links.
- Style the font case, size, and weight of the footer navigation links.
- Change the height of the padding above and below the footer widgets.
- Center footer widgets when using a single footer widget area.
- Hide the site footer.
- Hide the copyright.
- Remove the “Powered by WordPress” text displayed in the website footer.
- Change the font size of the “Powered by WordPress” text.
- Hide the “To The Top” link and align the copyright text.
General Color Options
- Choose a primary color hue using a hex control.
Cover Template Options
- Choose a background color for the Cover Template main navigation.
- Choose an alternate logo for the Cover Template.
- Change the color of the Cover Template main navigation links.