• Our company are looking to use WordPress as a Knowledge Base software, however after experimenting with EchoKB and the Uptime theme – We realised that it was not going to be as simple as it sounded. Below I will list the features which we would like for our website to work, and if anyone can suggest plugins it would be appreciated.

    If the plugin(s) do not do what we need, we require there to be a way to hook our own code into both the theme and the plugin. Currently with EchoKB you can only hook into one page and you cannot hook into our Theme as far as I am aware.

    – Multiple Knowledgebase’s
    – Permission system to only allow certain groups access to certain knowledgebase’s
    – Google Translate API using a glossary to auto translate articles into 5 other languages upon creation and editing an article.

    Once we have these features as a base, and providing we can hook into them using our own plugins it should all be good from there. Any suggestions are really appreciated.

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  • Our company are looking to use WordPress as a Knowledge Base software, however after experimenting with EchoKB and the Uptime theme – We realised that it was not going to be as simple as it sounded.

    A WordPress theme (for the most case) is meant to cover the PRESENTATION of the content, and that’s just what all the knowledgebase themes I’ve seen do: they make the site LOOK LIKE a traditional knowledgebase portal (as opposed to a blog, magazine, corporate site, etc).

    So you shouldn’t be looking for such features as you’re looking for in a theme.

    – Multiple Knowledgebase’s
    – Permission system to only allow certain groups access to certain knowledgebase’s

    Sounds like a great use-case for a WordPress Multisite Network. Users in one subsite don’t have automatic access to other subsites: you have to specifically grant them access.

    If you decide you don’t want to run a multisite network, you’ll need some kind of membership plugin to limit the content to specific users and user groups in a single WordPress site.

    – Google Translate API using a glossary to auto translate articles into 5 other languages upon creation and editing an article.

    Again, you’re not likely to find this in a theme. But there are several translation/multi-lingual plugins that do exactly this.


    Good luck!

    Thread Starter benjenk126


    Hi George,

    Thank you for your quick response!

    Regarding the Theme – We currently have a WordPress plugin that handles tasks such as exporting the Knowledge Base article to PDF and tracking how long a user was on a Knowledge Base article etc… For this plugin to work, it requries a snippet of code in the theme as well to show the ‘Export to PDF’ button. Currently we use the Uptime theme and from what I can tell there isn’t a way to directly edit some of the CSS and the HTML without it being overwritten on the next update.

    I was suggested created a child theme, however Uptime reserve the child theme themselves so you cannot create another from what I can tell.

    Do you have any suggestions on a theme that will either allow us to make direct edits to the code, or allow us to create a Child theme which they have not already reserved to alter parts?


    Currently we use the Uptime theme and from what I can tell there isn’t a way to directly edit some of the CSS and the HTML without it being overwritten on the next update.

    For CSS, there’s a built-in feature to add custom CSS to any theme: APPEARANCE => CUSTOMIZE => ADDITIONAL CSS. This is a native WordPress feature, and works with ANY theme (as long as the theme calls the wp_head(); function).

    however Uptime reserve the child theme themselves so you cannot create another from what I can tell.

    I’m not sure what you mean when you say the Uptime theme “reserve the child theme themselves”. Is “Uptime” itself a child theme of another theme or what?

    If the Uptime comes bundled with a child them (or generates a child theme during setup), take this child theme as YOUR baseline child theme to customize. Theme authors include this sample child theme to make it easier to get started, and in all likelihood, this bundled/generated child theme will never receive any updates. Even if it does, it will be very minor and very easy to manually merge the changes.

    The challenge here for me (and anyone who might want to help) is… Uptime is a commercial theme, and we don’t have access to commercial themes and plugins here at www.ads-software.com. This makes it very difficult (and ofthen impossible) for us to try anything out and provide any meaningful support.

    If necessary, please check the link below to read the Uptime theme’s support policy and how to contact the theme’s author for support.


    Do you have any suggestions on a theme that will either allow us to make direct edits to the code, or allow us to create a Child theme which they have not already reserved to alter parts?

    You should be able to create a child theme for ANY theme, except if the said theme itself is a child theme which requires a parent theme or theme framework. See the official documentation here:


    Good luck!

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