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  • Plugin Author Ken Brucker


    It’s not Picasa that is going away. It’s the API that this plugin uses that could disappear in the future.

    It has still been working for me so far on the latest version of Picasa. In order to diagnose your problem I will need more data. In Settings->Media you should have a checkbox to enable logging from the plugin. Turn this on, then to use the plugin. Provide that log to me and I’ll see if I can sort out what’s going wrong.

    Thread Starter nancyfr


    Ohh sorry for me it’s the end and the reason why i work hard to do another thing with my pics.
    this is what it say in debug

    I’m using multisite. i tried activate it on the network and just on one site, but it was the same result. I was able to add the button on my picasa desktop. The mini browser is running and when i push upload it written ‘waiting’ and nothing else after. thanks

    WordPress Version:
    Plugin Version:
    PHP Version:
    MySQL Server Version:
    Plugin Slug:
    Permalink Structure:
    Sample Plugin URL:
    Self Test:
    Long Request Variable Test Failed: Unable to complete HTTP REQUEST test; allow_url_fopen in php.ini is false.

    Plugin Author Ken Brucker


    After you turned on debug, did you try to upload a photo from Picasa? There should be additional log messages either on the media page or in your server error log depending on how you have the options set.

    You you activate the button you should get a window that opens. If you’ve already logged in then it should display a list of the photos you are uploading. Otherwise it should be a login screen.

    Plugin Author Ken Brucker


    One more thing. I noticed an error in the self test code and got it fixed. A new version has been uploaded with the correction.

    If you run this latest version, v0.9.4, it should allow the long variable test to work and that will help confirm that your site is capable of supporting the plugin.

    Thread Starter nancyfr


    Hi thanks, i tried the new version and there is what i got

    WordPress Version:
    Plugin Version:
    PHP Version:
    MySQL Server Version:
    Plugin Slug:
    Permalink Structure:
    Sample Plugin URL:
    Self Test:
    REQUEST long variable OK
    2016-03-07 17:09:47 Parsing request picasa_album_uploader/minibrowser
    2016-03-07 17:09:47 Redirecting request to login
    2016-03-07 17:11:56 Parsing request wp-admin/edit.php
    2016-03-07 17:11:56 Request does not match plugin slug (picasa_album_uploader)

    Thread Starter nancyfr


    another log i got. I still got the mini browser open and upload button. Picasa wrote publishing… and nothing after and can’t find my pics on my media files

    2016-03-07 17:31:28 Parsing request picasa_album_uploader/minibrowser
    2016-03-07 17:31:28 Redirecting request to login
    2016-03-07 17:35:24 Parsing request picasa_album_uploader/minibrowser
    2016-03-07 17:35:24 Redirecting request to login
    2016-03-07 17:35:51 Parsing request
    2016-03-07 17:35:51 Valid requests will have 2 elements, skipping.

    Plugin Author Ken Brucker


    First, found a bug in my debug logging. There should have been some mini-browser formatting logs that are missing. Working on fixing that.

    Good news is that the long variable names are supported in your environment so it’s an issue in that area.

    I have a couple suspicions but need better logs to attempt to confirm what’s happening so I’m improving the logging a bit right now. Once I’m ready would you be willing to install a development version?

    Thread Starter nancyfr


    for sure!

    Plugin Author Ken Brucker


    New version is loaded on trunk. You can download from

    Fingers crossed. ??

    Thread Starter nancyfr


    this is the result

    WordPress Version:
    Plugin Version:
    PHP Version:
    MySQL Server Version:
    Plugin Slug:
    Permalink Structure:
    Sample Plugin URL:
    Self Test:
    REQUEST long variable OK
    2016-03-07 17:31:28 Parsing request picasa_album_uploader/minibrowser
    2016-03-07 17:31:28 Redirecting request to login
    2016-03-07 17:35:24 Parsing request picasa_album_uploader/minibrowser
    2016-03-07 17:35:24 Redirecting request to login
    2016-03-07 17:35:51 Parsing request
    2016-03-07 17:35:51 Valid requests will have 2 elements, skipping.
    2016-03-08 01:11:14 Detected plugin request: ‘picasa_album_uploader/selftest’
    2016-03-08 01:11:14 Long Variable names received OK.
    2016-03-08 01:11:39 Detected plugin request: ‘picasa_album_uploader/minibrowser’
    2016-03-08 01:11:39 User not logged in; redirecting request to login
    2016-03-08 01:12:51 Detected plugin request: ‘picasa_album_uploader/minibrowser’
    2016-03-08 01:12:51 Generating Minibrowser content
    2016-03-08 01:12:51 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/600.8.9 (KHTML, like Gecko)
    2016-03-08 01:12:51 Using $_POST[“rss”]
    2016-03-08 01:12:51 Form Setup: https://localhost:56240/8809b1a0c141d9ddd5a4a4b42cfaa826/image/211413952de68570.jpg
    2016-03-08 01:13:19 Detected plugin request: ‘picasa_album_uploader/selftest’
    2016-03-08 01:13:19 Long Variable names received OK.

    Plugin Author Ken Brucker


    From this it appears the minibrowser window is appearing and you have a single image displayed in the upload form. Is this correct?

    What happens when you press the ‘upload’ button in the form? Does the window close or does the content of the window change? This is highly mysterious.

    It appears as though Picasa is somehow damaging or failing to comprehend the form in the minibrowser.

    Looks like you are also on a Mac. What version of Picasa are you running?

    Thread Starter nancyfr


    when i press the upload, picasa write ‘publishing’ and after ‘waiting for result’ then nothing. no error but no other things. my pic seem disappear elsewhere lol or in the ‘cloud’ lol

    i use picasa and yes i’m working on a mac

    Thread Starter nancyfr


    i forgot to say. when i push the upload button, the mini browser close and picasa desktop come back

    Plugin Author Ken Brucker


    I’m using the same version of Picasa.

    And nothing else in the debug log beyond what you already posted? I’m expecting to see a request for ‘picasa_album_uploader/upload’ there. That it’s missing explains why nothing happens.

    We’ve entered into one of the really difficult areas to debug. I’m wondering if your particular multisite config is involved since the URL path is “https://*masked-host*/monpetitlinge/picasa_album_uploader/sample”

    Picasa is quite particular in what it expects in the form and I’ve not found a way to debug at that level. I have a couple things I can play with on my end. Will get back to you.

    Thread Starter nancyfr


    sorry yes i’m using multisite wordpress, with storefront theme, woo commerce

    it seem to want to upload (because if i click on the link written in the debug log, i can see my picture) but don’t want to open result page, and dont want to save in my media library.

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