• Resolved emcrit


    When I activate wpdiscuz on my site, I cannot leave comments as either a guest or logged in user. Everything looks fine until you hit submit, at that point progress bar appears in the upper right of the screen and stays indicating progress (lack of) forever. Comment never gets submitted. Troubleshooting so far:

    disabled all other plugins

    tried with disabled plugins and default wordpress theme

    went to firefox console-no JS errors

    site is emcrit.org (currently plugin is disabled–otherwise nobody can comment)

    would appreciate any help!


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  • Plugin Author gVectors Team


    I think problem comes from caching and content minification.
    Install wpDiscuz back and delete all cache of WP Rocket, then play with WP Rocket options. I think this is a cache issue.

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Also please let us know what hosting service you use.

    I’m experiencing the same issue on my own server. (crimdom.net)
    I do not have WP Rocket.

    Tried deleting and reinstalling wpdiscuz and problem of “endless progress bar” returned immediately. Also encountered errors during attempt to reinstall (“server not responsive”). I’ve now deactivated wpdiscuz.

    I just tried commenting via FireFox and I see the following error: “SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 2 column 3 of the JSON data”

    Notably, there is a very thin pink error bar after trying to submit a comment via Safari but there’s no error message visible.

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Please let me know the PHP version and Hosting Service name.
    Also deactivate all plugins and try to install it again.

    PHP version is 5.5.38. No Hosting Service name as this is my own server (crimdom.net). Deactivate all plugins and install again? Even though it was previously working? Alright, trying that temporarily now…..

    Well, alright, I narrowed it down to a conflict with another plugin: “Spam Destroyer”


    Activating/deactivating this plugin causes/fixes the JSON.parse error with “Comments – WpDiscuz” when submitting a new comment.

    Thread Starter emcrit


    Hosting is synthesis
    PHP version is 5.5.54

    Here is a 60 second video of troubleshooting

    cache deleted
    all plugins disabled
    default theme activated
    no javascript errors
    endless progress bar

    of interest, when I went into my server logs, I found this error:

    3/10/2017 9:44:13 PM – www: PHP Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘wpdFormAttrFieldTextField’ not found in /var/www/emcrit.org/wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz/forms/wpdFormAttr/Form.php on line 396

    how do I fix this?
    much thanks!!

    Thread Starter emcrit


    i went to the WP-Discuz form
    turned it off for all post types and then turned it back on

    PROBLEM now fixed!
    though I can’t say for sure why that worked or what was broken

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Thank you for letting us know!

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