Thank you for your email and video.
I appreciate it. It kind of helps, but not totally.
I uploaded the Loco Translate plugin like you said.
I’m trying to use it. Not obvious. Not working.
I have Location Weather, and Location Weather Pro. I started with Location Weather, not Location Weather Pro.
In the Location Weather Plugin Settings, I chose “French” for language from the dropdown list.
I want the plugin to display in French on the browser.
In Loco Translate, I go to Plugins, then select Location Weather, then click New Language. There are 3 french languages to choose from: French (Canada), French (France), and France (Belgium).
Which language ::: French (Canada), French (France), and France (Belgium) … matches up with the Location Weather Plugin Settings, French language I selected from the drop down list?
I tried French (Canada), and French (France). I tried something simple like translating Sunrise to Lever de soleil.
I tried to clear the cache … reloaded.
Nothing. Plugin displays in English only.
I cannot get Lever de soleil to appear on the plugin display on the Chrome browser screen.
When Initializing new translation, do I select Custom: System: or Author: ???
Which French do I select?