• Hello. For some bizarre reason I keep getting a reoccurring 404 message.

    In my “SEO Ultimate” plugin panel I’m getting the 404 on the following:


    Now this is where it gets weird. I’ve gone via FTP into the /wp-content/themes/customizr/inc/assets/css/fonts/fonts directory and “entypo.eot” is sitting there happily.
    The referring urls seem to be on every single page on the website and this is quite a big website, so I’m getting a lot of notifications every day about this. Is there a CSS fix I can apply?

    I’m running customizr on its own with no child-theme, just a few css modifications in the “custom css” window; none of which request this font file.

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  • bdbeer


    I’m getting the same error and would like to get rid of it. But how?

    Thread Starter JamesEMCS


    I’m still stuck. I’ve just told SEO Ultimate to stop monitoring 404 errors as that’s the only 404 I ever seem to be getting. I can’t get a file missing error in a web browser console window so it seems to be a discrete error.

    And to be really honest – I posted this over a month ago and have received no help so my honest guess is that the developers don’t care. Be sure this is the only site I’ll ever use Customizr on!

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    Hi @jamesemcs !

    Thanks for reporting, I do care about this. I just had important and first priority developements improvement to finish for the Customizr theme those last weeks.

    Fixing this issue : I don’t know this plugin very well, can you explain quickly what to do, after installation, to reproduce the problem ?

    Thanks !

    Thread Starter JamesEMCS


    Hi @nikeo

    I first got the problem after installing Customizr and activating the SEO Ultimate plugin, any page that was/is hit after that moment will throw this 404 error.

    I have been going through the css sheets and I can only find one place where entypo.eot is called in the settings I’m using. However, it is commented out (black.css line 5050)

    @font-face {
        font-family: 'entypo';
        src: url( 'fonts/fonts/entypo.eot' );
        src: url( 'fonts/fonts/entypo.eot?#iefix' ) format( 'embedded-opentype' ),
             url( 'fonts/fonts/entypo.woff' ) format( 'woff' ),
             url( 'fonts/fonts/entypo.ttf' ) format( 'truetype' ),
             url( 'fonts/fonts/entypo.svg#genericonsregular' ) format( 'svg' );

    By the looks of the 404 error I’m getting – the client machines are not seeing the last ‘ after the first src:url and are treating it as one long line, but at the same time are ignoring the fact that this has been commented out. Is there a need for it to be there? I haven’t tried deleting this part in case it is used somewhere in the system.

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    Hi James,
    There’s a related topic about this 404 error : https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/getting-404s-on-entypo-font?replies=9

    Apparently it was also tricky to reproduce the problem there too.
    After some test and research, I discovered several missing single quotes in those font icons as you mentionned it earlier.

    I have rewritten this in more clear and clean way, this will pushed in the next release.

    Before the update, to fix your bug, here’s a code snippet that you’ll want to paste in your functions.php code :

    add_filter( 'tc_inline_font_icons' , 'tc_write_fixed_font_icons_css');
    function tc_write_fixed_font_icons_css() {
      printf('<style type="text/css" id="customizr-inline-fonts">%1$s</style>',
    function get_fixed_font_icon() {
      $_path = TC_BASE_URL . 'inc/assets/css';
        @font-face {
          font-family: 'genericons';
          src:url('<?php echo $_path ?>/fonts/fonts/genericons-regular-webfont.eot');
          src:url('<?php echo $_path ?>/fonts/fonts/genericons-regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
              url('<?php echo $_path ?>/fonts/fonts/genericons-regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
              url('<?php echo $_path ?>/fonts/fonts/genericons-regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
              url('<?php echo $_path ?>/fonts/fonts/genericons-regular-webfont.svg#genericonsregular') format('svg');
        @font-face {
          font-family: 'entypo';
          src:url('<?php echo $_path ?>/fonts/fonts/entypo.eot');
          src:url('<?php echo $_path ?>/fonts/fonts/entypo.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
          url('<?php echo $_path ?>/fonts/fonts/entypo.woff') format('woff'),
          url('<?php echo $_path ?>/fonts/fonts/entypo.ttf') format('truetype'),
          url('<?php echo $_path ?>/fonts/fonts/entypo.svg#genericonsregular') format('svg');
      $_font_css = ob_get_contents();
      if ($_font_css) ob_end_clean();
      return $_font_css;

    Let me know if it helped, thanks for your contribution to the continuous improvement of the theme ??

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