Equal ranking in the group
Hi and thanks again for a great plugin.
I’ve created a tournament for the handball at the Olympic Games (also suitable for that sport :o), but when teams are equal at points in the main round and the scores not counting for all the matches, but only for the 4 teams left in the top of the group (played among themselves), FP gives a wrong ranking.
Please see this screendump of FP ranking: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e49vo442myz01nori2ssu/FP_2024-08-04.png?rlkey=c9z57vugoma8b9rbcdq7t94a8&dl=0
And so the official ranking: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6gryp1dh7zp1gupjhloxf/Flash_2024-08-04.png?rlkey=4ikl3d37f1va6oocbj8bzh2ic&dl=0
FP will give you some wrong quarter-finals.
Is there a way to get around this?
I also noticed when the “goal difference bonus” is activated, that with a draw like 28-28 (handball) and a user have the result 25-25, there is no points given to the user, it’s like the difference has to be greater than zero.
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