I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner, guys. I honestly lost sight of this thread (I really need to start making use of the RSS feeds).
I had to dig for an old version of my style (pre-1.5) to remember how I did it, exactly. Remember, this is based off of Scripty’s code to separate the ping/trackbacks and comments into separate lists.
I used the <?php mw_trackbacks() ?> function as follows:
<?php mw_trackbacks(count) ?> Loved Me Elsewhere</h4>
<ol class="commentlist">
<li class="comment">
blah blah code here</li>
For the <?php mw_comments() ?> function, I did the same thing:
<?php mw_comments(count) ?> Loved Me Right Here</h4>
<ol class="commentlist">
<li class="comment">
blah blah code here</li>
This returned the numbers of Ping/Trackbacks above the separated Ping/Trackback list, as well as the number of comments above the comment list.
I didn’t actually replace anything; only added those two functions to my wp-comments.php file (this was with version 1.21, remember). When I installed 1.5 locally and upgraded my style to a theme, I noticed that Scripty’s code no longer worked (different calls, I guess… not too sure there), so I just deactivated Eric’s plugin and gave up on separating comments from track/pingbacks. Hope that helped a little,
By the way, here is a link to my old wp-comments file so you can see what I mean more clearly. Also, I’m terribly sorry if I totally screw up the page with pasting that code. Color me stupid but I still can’t figure out what “Put code in between backticks
” means. Again, I’m sorry if I bork everything. (EDIT: Hey cool. I finally got it… and it seems that my server isn’t supporting .phps files. I’ll have to figure that one out tomorrow. Sorry it doesn’t look nice.)