No notifications are sent.
The system tab shows this: SITE_URL: HOME_URL: CKPN Version: 1.9.4 WordPress Version: 4.9.8 PUSHOVER NOTIFICATIONS SETTINGS: application_key: [removed for display] api_key: [removed for display] new_user: false new_post: false post_notification_role: administrator new_comment: true notify_authors: false password_reset: false plugin_updates: false core_update: false sslverify: false multiple_keys: false logging: true ACTIVE PLUGINS: Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.0.8 Bridgy: 1.4.2 Hum: 1.2.2 IndieAuth: 3.1.2 IndieWeb: 3.3.8 IndieWeb Press This: 1.0.4 JSON Feed ( 1.1.2 Micropub: 1.4.3 Post Kinds: 3.0.9 Press This: 1.1.1 Pushover Notifications for WordPress: 1.9.4 Semantic-Linkbacks: 3.8.1 Simple 301 Redirects: 1.07 Simple Location: 3.3.8 Syndication Links: 3.4.1 Webmention: 3.8.2 WebSub/PubSubHubbub: 3.0.0 CURRENT THEME: ZenPress: 1.0.0-dev Multi-site: No ADVANCED INFO: PHP Version: 7.1.20 <strong>MySQL Version: <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_get_server_info() in /home/deb38267n2/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/deb38267n2/domains/ ckpn_display_sysinfo() #1 /home/deb38267n2/domains/ CKPushoverNotifications->determine_tab('') #2 /home/deb38267n2/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array) #3 /home/deb38267n2/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 /home/deb38267n2/domains/ do_action('settings_page_p...') #5 /home/deb38267n2/domains/ require_once('/home/deb38267n...') #6 {main} in <b>/home/deb38267n2/domains/</b> on line <b>280</b><br /></strong>
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