Hi, nothing fancy in that line. Care to tell me what version of php and WordPress you are running?
If you are able to please replace line 634.
Old line 634:
throw new Exception( $djd_options['djd-post-fail'] ?: __('We were unable to accept your post at this time. Please try again. If the problem persists tell the site owner.', 'djd-site-post'));
New line 634:
throw new Exception(__('We were unable to accept your post at this time. Please try again. If the problem persists tell the site owner.', 'djd-site-post'));
This way the plugin won’t use the Failure message specified in the settings panel. It will always use the one specified in that line of code instead. But for now it will help narrow the error down.
Wondering why this specific error is raised during plugin activation…