• I’m working on a site, and don’t want wordpress located in the root directory, but do want it to come up when the site url is typed. It’s in a subfolder (creatively titled wp). In my settings, I set the blog address to the root; I moved my index.php and .htaccess to the root, and changed the path to wp-blog-header in the index.php. And for the most part it works, all my static pages and content comes up just fine EXCEPT the page where the blog is housed. I get the following error

    Error 403 – Forbidden
    You tried to access a document for which you don’t have privileges.

    The site is here. I was following the advice of this link.
    Anybody know what’s up with that? Thanks!

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  • The official Codex page for what you did is here

    It suggests resetting your permalinks after doing this, which the article you read did not mention. Give that a try, after reading the Codex page.

    Thread Starter axxint


    Updated my permalinks and still the same problem persists. When I go in to edit the page, the permalink it says at the top is correct. It’s still set as my posts page in Settings>Reading. Read thru the codex page, and I had followed all the directions. Still see no reason why it’s erroring me.

    Thread Starter axxint


    Okay, I never did find out what was wrong: just got tired of it, so I deleted my “blog” page, created “blog2” and changed everything on the site to point to that as the blog posts page. For whatever reason there was a problem with any page titled “blog”; maybe some wacked out file permissions deal, dunno. If anyone has any ideas, I’ll investigate when I get back around to dealing with the blog portion. Thanks.

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