• Resolved Tyler Tork


    No tracking is occurring. Using the browser’s Developer Tools I can see a request to https://quotesforclarity.com/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/matomo.php?… is getting a response 414, Remote Address:, Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

    Following your instructions, I tried entering “*” in the CORS domains list. This seems to have no effect.

    This is on a Siteground shared server.

    I’m a little unclear why there needs to be any cross domain request to do this tracking, in the first place. I thought it was all supposed to be on my server. Why is it trying to reach out to somewhere else?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Thomas


    Hi @tylertork

    This error would not be due to CORS (as you mentioned it does not send any data to a anyone else). A 414 error indicates “URL too long”. I checked on your website and I can reproduce the 414 error. The server seems to have a problem with a URL that has 370 characters which is fairly short for a URL. Any chance you could reach out to Siteground and ask them if they can increase this limit for you?

    There might be also an additional workaround:

    * Go to WP Admin dashboard
    * Go to Matomo Analytics -> Settings
    * In the tracking settings tab enabled the setting “Force POST requests”.
    * Save and try again

    This might solve the issue. Note that if you use any caching plugin like WP Rocket then you might have to clear the cache to see this change.

    Could you give this a try? Hope it helps @tylertork and happy holidays.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    With that hint, I was able to determine that iThemes Security plugin was blocking the request because it considers the URL too long. I deactivated that feature and now everything appears to be working.


    Plugin Author Thomas


    Great, glad this works now @tylertork Any chance you could let me know where exactly I find this feature in that plugin? I’d have a look if we can workaround it in the future or to detect when it’s enabled and show a notice or so. Thanks for bringing this issue up and happy holidays.

    Thread Starter Tyler Tork


    Under Security, System Tweaks, look for “Filter Long URL Strings” checkbox.

    I suppose you could try to get iThemes to change the limit and/or recognize and allow your specific type of request. You could also shorten your URL by using a relative URL for the “url” argument — though I realize that’s not a complete solution since the relative part could easily be quite long also.

    Plugin Author Thomas


    Thanks for this @tylertork

    In the next release we will detect this automatically and instruct to disable this setting. Thanks again, very appreciated @tylertork

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