Error 500.. Ayuda
Hola, intento comprar un producto en mi sitio y me sale esta página. Cómo lo arreglo? Gracias
Hi javiernanni,
How are you?Can you give us some additional info?
– Is there any additional info in your logs?
– What is your PHP version?I remember that I’ve seem this error times ago, don’t sure when. An error like this one is given when you try to make a transaction between two different countries. If your credentials are from Argentina, you can only sell to customers of Argentina.
Also, I suspect that your problem is related with this issue. If so, whats is your module version?
Best regards!
Thanks, I fixed that but now I’m having this issue:
Hello guys, we are having the same issues.
IPN returning an error 500 and it looks like its variables have a new naming convention.You can follow here for more info and to request feedback to real production users: are hundreds of WooCommerce websites unable to operate with MercadoPago Argentina right now!
Hi there,
javiernanni and Marcelo,This error, when checked in previous moments, was generated when sending a corrupted back_url node structure in the preferences (sorry for this highly technical language). In that moment, when I checked the logs, I’ve found the ampersand character being replaced by the sequence “#38;” thus destroying the URL and triggering an error 500 in our servers.
After I’ve handled this by replacing this sequence back to ampersand, it appeared to be fixed (at least in all scenarios which we tested). I don’t know for sure if it still occurs in other situations, and yet I’m trying to track the exact cause. If you look at the logs, what are the URL structures created?
PS1: In our current version (v2.0.4) I’m not able to reproduce this bug.
PS2: I’ll check with the API and services team for informations.Thank you two, for the precious informations
Hello guys, I found that the IPN form has changed. This wasn’t informed before and I found out after reading thoroughly all of the documentation.
The right IPN form is now here: the well known old one, which is what ALL THE CURRENT USERS WAS USING, is here: at MercadoPago should seriously add a noticeable warning to this page to make people aware of this change. It’s a serious webdesign and usability bug because there is no hint or indication that this form is deprecated and should not be used anymore.
I found the right IPN form by carefully reading the docs at , and then noticing a back link to /mla/herramientas/notificaciones.
Remember: People don’t have time to read, put a huge logo/mark/warning/colored text to let people know they shouldn’t be using that form anymore.
You’re welcome!
Hi Marcelo,
Thanks for your informations.
Just one point: I’d like to understand what are exactly your context… It really seems that we’re talking about different things. To use Woo Mercado Pago Module IPN, it is not necessary to configure such URLs at Mercado Pago accounts.
To receive IPN in the module, it should be passed a node in the preferences called “notification_url” and inform the URL of your server. This is already been made for you in the module and you really not need to do anything. The field in admin page “Su URL de IPN para recibir notificaciones instantáneas de pago es…” is just for informative purposes.
If you check the logs, you should get something like this;
{ "id": 345671088, "preference_id": "210968992-985c06ef-f252-4b2e-a6cc-01c8797d18fc", "date_created": "2016-07-06T10:16:30.000-04:00", "last_updated": "2016-07-06T10:17:48.000-04:00", "application_id": null, "status": "closed", "site_id": "MLB", "payer": { "id": 201658358, "email": "[email protected]" }, "collector": { "id": 210968992, "email": "[email protected]", "nickname": "TESTZYTRBYGO" }, "sponsor_id": null, "payments": [...], "paid_amount": 1193.47, "refunded_amount": 0, "shipping_cost": 0, "cancelled": false, "items": [...], "marketplace": "NONE", "shipments": [], "external_reference": "WC-108", "additional_info": null, "notification_url": "https:\/\/\/index.php\/woocommerce-mercadopago-module\/?wc-api=WC_WooMercadoPago_Gateway", "total_amount": 1193.47 }
You’re welcome too!
OK! This answered my question from the other thread. We can simply leave it alone and it… should… work. OK.
Much of the current users of your plugin (including me) come from the integration plugin by Claudio Sanches, which used to require this form to be filled in order to properly receive payment notifications in WooCommerce, but I guess this was only needed in the old SDK, right?
Yes, in our module you can just leave that fields (in your Mercado Pago account) as they are made just to test your server. As the IPN url is already configured in the module, there’s nothing do be done. I think that even in Claudio Sanches’s module, you can also leave that fields, as they are made just to test your server. If you look at the post content, you will find “test” as the type content.
TECHNICAL POINT ABOUT IPN: Mercado Pago haves two API versions (v0, and v1). IPN structure is different between them. In v0, the structure sent to your server contains “id” and “topic”, and in v1 it contains “data_id” and “type”. In that link that you suggested (, Mercado Pago triggers your server using API v1, and thus your server will receive “data_id” and “type” fields, BUT as Standard Checkout solution uses v0 it will be expecting “id” and “topic”. And so, the error 500. As I’ve said, I will put, at least, a verification to allow the server return 200 and skip the instruction.
Best regards!
javiernanni and Marcelo,
I’m closing this issue. Please, try v2.0.5 if IPN is responding 200.
Best regards!Thanks! We will test it.
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