error 503
i have been experiencing that :the process are not been killed off — they are not been remove from the system — so the page is down — go daddy told me i have to look a the code and fix the problem — if not this will keep happening—- does anyone have any idea — how to fix this ?
i got this error log from the account: can some one tell me what does this means — and how to solve this ?
_____________________________________________________________________[Wed Dec 18 08:41:12 2013] [11623191] [fcgid:warn]
mod_fcgid: stderr: WordPress database error MySQL server has gone away for query UPDATEwp_options
= ‘a:208:{i:1387381105;a:1:{s:29:\\”ngg_delete_expired_transients\\”;a:1:{s:32:\\”40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a\\”;a:3:{s:8:\\”schedule\\”;s:6:\\”hourly\\”;s:4:\\”args\\”;a:0:{}s:8:\\”……………………………………………………
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