• Resolved unimawb



    In an attempt to import 1000 users, only 65 users were imported, and the process was terminated with the error “Error 504 – Gateway Timeout”.

    PHP Version 7.4.3
    Server FPM/FastCGI
    max_execution_time is set to 1200
    memory_limit to 512

    What can be done to make the whole import without problems?

    Thanks in advance

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  • Plugin Author Javier Carazo



    The problem is that you are using some kind of proxy, like nginx, and the import is being stopped because of it.

    Ask your hosting to increase max execution time not only in PHP, also in other componentes.


    I have same problem.
    502 or 503 errors on nginx.
    My provider changed all kind of settings to no avail.
    Can you be more speficied what settings to change?

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    The plugin makes an import that is a very long task. So you have to increase all execution time.

    Anyway, we are working on a new version that will prepare a batch importer to prevent these problems of limits.

    Hi Javier,

    My provider CloudWays has set all settings to almost limitless, but when starting an import of a small 21kB file with 20 users, the back-end keeps waiting and is never coming back. Strangely enough though by forcing the browser to reload it seems that the users have been imported. But I don’t know if all is complete.

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    The problem as I told is how the plugin works. We are improving it by making a JS call but now, only the export works in this way.

    The import works in the old style trying to do it in a very long step.

    If you have a proxy… you can have those problems you are telling me.

    We have not much time but this is important so we expect to have it ready soon.

    Hi.. would uploading the user import file to the server and run it that way help in the process of creating users?

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    No, the time would be the same. The bottle neck here is the database insertions.

    Anyway, I hope soon to have the async import done. Sorry for all the incoveniences.

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