Hey @hamiltonjunio
The plugin doesn’t call curl directly. Instead it calls wp_remote_get
, which in turns call curl… or anything your WP instance supports. Because of this, --insecure
is not an option here.
Well, the change I could perform on my server would be to change the certificate provider. In other words, drop Let’s encrypt for something else… and non-free, since, to my knowledge, Let’s encrypt is the only free solution around. I’m very reluctant to do such a move, and not only for the cost of a certificate. Let’s encrypt is a good solution, with certificate renewal, etc.
I know this is just a minor issue: you just have troubles with your favicon and there are plenty of other ways to get the job done. However, it might reveal a more troubling situation. Reading https://letsencrypt.org/docs/dst-root-ca-x3-expiration-september-2021/, we can see the root cause of the issue: an outdated system. For example, your WordPress instance might run on a system with an outdated version of OpenSSL. This is why I’m asking for hosting providers and offers: this issue should be thoroughly investigated and the providers might have to be informed.