• Need assistance with this error code:
    Error 606 blocked.


    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 973374357

    Varnish cache server

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  • That’s a server error – not a WordPress one. Have you asked your hosts about it?

    Jason King


    Take a look at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/error-403-blocked where a similar topic has been discussed before.

    Does any of that advice help you? If not, please provide more details, such as where and when you see that error.

    Thread Starter KarlMarx1848


    The error occurs when we try to log into the website. Anytime we try to login, we get the error that was listed above. We tried the solutions on the website that MR. King had posted, and there weren’t any that worked. I’m not too sure what kind of error this is. What I do know, is that the error number is 606, and it continuously blocks anyone’s ability to login to our site.

    Anonymous User 9677245


    I had the same error. I guess it can have many causes, mine was that I created a custom child theme.

    I manually switched the theme back and am now recreating the child theme. I haven’t found the exact reason yet, but it could be in the functions.php of the child theme:


    ps. You also could suppress the error message by changing .htaccess, but that didn’t help in my case. Ask your provider for that.



    hi, everyone try to register at bbpress get error 606, one con assistance say me to change this but i cannot find it in my editor page (avada theme):
    Francesca: it only works if the following line in bb-load.php:
    Francesca: //error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE );
    Francesca: is changed to:
    Francesca: error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_NOTICE);

    Hallo, hier vom One.com – hat gefunzt bei mir.

    Hier ein Mitschnitt vom Support Chat. Habe alle Editoren ausprobiert und nichts gesehen?! W?re ich selber nie drauf gekommen.

    ich: Ich habe 6 verschiedene Browser durchprobiert
    ONE.com: Bitte ?ffnen Sie einmal die wp-config.php in einem Text Editor
    ONE.com: In der ersten Zeile befinden sich diese Zeichen: ?ˉ???????<?php
    Die fett markierten Zeichen verursachen wahrscheinlich den Fehler im Admin.
    ONE.com: Diese müssten Sie l?schen
    ich: schaue ich mal…
    ich: <?php nur <?php drin – die Zeichen kann ich nicht sehen??? ??
    ONE.com: Mit was ?ffnen Sie die Datei?
    ich: Notepad++, Dreamweaver & Word probiert
    ONE.com: Ich habe den Code gerade entfernen k?nnen.Funktioniert es nun?
    ich: JAWOLL !!!! ?? was haben Sie da für ein Editor???
    ONE.com: Ich habe gerade herausgefunden, dass es im File Manager geht. Wenn man vor ?php klickt, dann auf Enter, dann vor ?php wieder mit Backspace die Zeileninhalte l?schen und speichern.
    Das war der Schlüssel ??

    Sorry…. will now post in english..
    In the wp-config.php file there was following syntax in front of <?php:

    I couldn’t see it because my Editors didn’t pick it up!?
    Everything looked fine 2 me.

    The Support from ONE deleted the rogue Text an I was able to log into wp-login.php straight away. Maybe this will help somebody.
    I had moved 2 ONE.com from my old Provider 2 weeks earlier.

    habe das selbe problem soeben auch

    one.com – support schrieb, es sei ihr fehler und man würde mit hochdruck arbeiten, da einige server nicht erreichbar seien.

    I have the same problem in the Netherlands. ONE.COM is working on a solution.

    Same here, one.com fails a lot. two websites stopped working

    I am facing the same issue. My site is also hosted on one.com. Just receievd the below message from them:

    Thank you for contacting One.com!!

    We are unfortunately experiencing a problem with our servers at the moment.
    Rest-assured that our technical team has been working double time to resolve this issue the earliest.

    For a further update please check the link status.one.com or follow or webpage https://www.facebook.com/onecom. Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you have further questions, either via email or the online chat support.
    Best regards

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