• Resolved fotinos


    Hi and thank you for the great sofrware!

    I have a question: Within the logs of WooCommerce I discovered a specific error:

    ERROR Spec is invalid because the locale could not be retrieved in feed
    ERROR stdClass Object

    it’s something about mercadopago with “[source] => woocommerce.com”

    Is this common and how to solve it?

    Thank you so much for your time!


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  • melinda a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi there!

    Could you please share a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    Also, could you provide more of the error log and let us know exactly what log it was included in. Feel free to redact any personal information that may be in the log.

    Hello, I am having this same problem with a site. Would you like me to create a new thread? What alerted me to this problem, is a few customers after clicking purchase, the screen refreshes and they end up making duplicate purchases when it finally shows up as completed. Logs shows with different end dates and they match up to the start of this problem that happens for some but not all cusotmers: httpswoocommerce.comwp-jsonwccominbox-notifications1.0notifications.json-

    Thread Starter fotinos


    @hellionz thanks for reaching out too! Is your issue also related to mercadopago?

    @fotinos I get that error in my Woo logs, but the thing is I don’t even use the plugin so I don’t get it.

    2021-09-06T22:04:43+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because the locale could not be retrieved in feed
    2021-09-06T22:04:43+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [slug] => mercadopago_q3_2021_ES
        [type] => marketing
        [status] => unactioned
        [is_snoozable] => 0
        [source] => woocommerce.com
        [locales] => Array

    Maybe a different problem? So new thread?

    Thread Starter fotinos


    It’s exactly the same error! I didn’t have any issues with orders thought..!

    melinda a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi there @hellionz Yes, please open a different thread as your issue appears to be different as you are having order issues. Your issue would best be addressed directly with the Payment Gateway developer. If you are using PayPal Standard, please re-post in this forum.

    If you are using Stripe, please post at https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/woocommerce-gateway-stripe

    For other gateways, check your status report to see the developer of the payment gateway.

    @fotinos You can disregard this message.

    >ERROR Spec is invalid because the locale could not be retrieved in feed
    >ERROR stdClass Object
    >`[slug] => mercadopago_q3_2021_ES
    >[type] => marketing
    >[status] => unactioned
    >[is_snoozable] => 0
    >[source] => woocommerce.com
    >[locales] => Array

    This is related to a post announcing the Mercado Pago integrations. It’s basically saying it was unable to show you the details of this announcement as it did not know your location, which is totally fine.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

    I have the same problem with stripe and paypal.

    Same problem every day for the past week, I don’t even know what this is.
    example of one day.

    2021-09-07T05:10:16+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because the locale could not be retrieved in feed
    2021-09-07T05:10:16+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [slug] => mercadopago_q3_2021_ES
        [type] => marketing
        [status] => unactioned
        [is_snoozable] => 0
        [source] => woocommerce.com
        [locales] => Array


    Same here and in an fresh installation too. We dont use mercado checkout. Where do it come from?

    Oh even i am seeing this error have no idea what is causing it!!!
    First part of the error

    2021-09-09T19:00:52+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because the locale could not be retrieved in feed
    2021-09-09T19:00:52+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [slug] => mercadopago_q3_2021_ES
        [type] => marketing
        [status] => unactioned
        [is_snoozable] => 0
        [source] => woocommerce.com
        [locales] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [locale] => es_ES
                        [title] => Cobrá con el Checkout de Mercado Pago
                        [content] => El procesador de pagos líder en América Latina ya está disponible para las tiendas de WooCommerce. Acepta pagos de forma segura con tarjetas de débito y crédito, dinero en efectivo, transferencias bancarias y meses con y sin interés, con el respaldo herramientas exclusivas de prevención del fraude.

    There’s something jank going on here.

    I’m getting the error too.

    My logs show entries like:


    With reference to:

    2021-09-01T00:48:27+00:00 ERROR Spec is invalid because the locale could not be retrieved in feed
    2021-09-01T00:48:27+00:00 ERROR stdClass Object
        [slug] => mercadopago_q3_2021_ES
        [type] => marketing
        [status] => unactioned
        [is_snoozable] => 0
        [source] => woocommerce.com
        [locales] => Array

    And we don’t use that plugin either.

    It’s still a little unclear where this is coming from exactly, but we are looking into this here: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/30697
    Any new updates to this problem should be able to be seen in that link directly.

    Same here…

    Mirko P.


    Hey @vertiges,

    Please go ahead and add your own comment and subscribe to the thread for updates:


    This will give the developers a good idea of the size and impact of the issue.

    Thank you!

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