Error after 3.0 upgrade…searched, and asked hosting company, need help
Well, I have found many similar issues in the forum, but none that answer my questions.
I upgraded to 3.0 yesterday afternoon. Since then a few issues have popped up. For many sites the thumbnails stopped showing. I am running Thumnails for Exceerpts plugin on all but one site. It causes a conflict on that site which is why i deactivated it there. Anyway, now the thumbs SEEM to be showing on some sites, but not on others.
Also, in the dashboard area under the Appearances heading there is no longer a Widgets link for users. How are mus users supposed to move around or add widgets to their sidebars and pages without that link? I see the link as a Super Admin, but I need users to have access to it for their site too, without making them Super Admins so they would have access to everything on every site.
Also my PHP Code plugin (Executable PHP Widget) does not show in my list of widgets. It does show in the Plugins list, and works on some sites, but not on others.
Thanks for any help you can give me,
GeneLet me know if you need anymore information.
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