• Resolved rakrs1


    [STEP] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Procurando o arquivo executável PHP CLI.
    [WARN] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] PHP CLI está desabilitado no seu arquivo php.ini, o processo pode se tornar instável.
    [WARN] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] O arquivo PHP CLI n?o pode ser executado devido a um motivo desconhecido.
    [STEP] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Iniciando backup…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Vers?o do Backup & Migration:1.2.1
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Site do qual será feito backup:https://www.habilitaquente.com.br
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Vers?o do PHP:8.0.19
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Vers?o do WP: 6.0.1
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Vers?o do MySQL:10.3.34
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Comprimento Máximo do MySQL:268435456
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Servidor web:Apache
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Tempo máximo de execu??o (em segundos):259200
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Máximo de linhas por consulta (nesse site):300
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Verificando se o diretório de backup possui permiss?o para grava??o…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Iniciando o gerenciador de erros personalizado
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Sim, possui permiss?o para grava??o…
    [STEP] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Verificando arquivos…
    [WARN] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Removendo arquivo do backup (muito grande)***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/www.habilitaquente.com.br-20220327-201919-4iag7i.wpress (146.76 MB)
    [WARN] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Removendo arquivo do backup (muito grande)***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/www.habilitaquente.com.br-20220216-132314-3xi4sd.wpress (154.39 MB)
    [WARN] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Removendo arquivo do backup (muito grande)***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/www.habilitaquente.com.br-20220522-154258-eb5yrc.wpress (122.74 MB)
    [STEP] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Verificando espa?o livre, reservando…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Requer ao menos 408835812 bytes. [389.9 MB]
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] A fun??o de espa?o livre em disco n?o está desativada, utilizando…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Verificando esse caminho/parti??o:***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Há1,460,239.21 MB livres. [1.39 TB]
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Excelente! Temos espa?o suficiente.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Confirmado, há espa?o mais do que suficiente, verificado:408835812 bytes
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Varredura concluída – encontrados9964 arquivos…
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Backup iniciado…
    [STEP] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Iniciando sistema de arquivamento…
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Sistema de arquivamento iniciado…
    [STEP] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Preparando mapeamento de arquivos…
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Arquivos preparados.
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Iniciando processo de compacta??o…
    [STEP] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Cálculo de memória inteligente…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Há 384 MB de memória para usar
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Limite de memória do WordPress: 256 MBs
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Estabelecendo o limite seguro para 86 MB
    [STEP] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Criando backup do banco de dados (usando engine V2, requer pelo menos a vers?o 1.1.0 para restaurar)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Iterando banco de dados…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Memory usage after initialization: 61.66 MB
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Scan found 29 tables (2564 rows), estimated total size: 10.58 MB.
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Memory usage after getting table names: 61.67 MB
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting table recipes…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table recipes have been exported.
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Memory usage after loading recipes: 61.70 MB
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Saving recipes…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Recipes saved.
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 61.68 MB
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Exporting table data…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_actionscheduler_actions (0.13 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_actionscheduler_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00179 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_actionscheduler_claims (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_actionscheduler_claims cloned, operation took: 0.00038 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_actionscheduler_groups (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_actionscheduler_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00159 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_actionscheduler_logs (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_actionscheduler_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00200 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_commentmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_comments (0.09 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_e_events (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_e_events cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_e_notes (0.19 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_e_notes cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_e_notes_users_relations (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_e_notes_users_relations cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_e_submissions (0.28 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_e_submissions cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_e_submissions_actions_log (0.13 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_e_submissions_actions_log cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_e_submissions_values (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_e_submissions_values cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_links (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_links cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_litespeed_url (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_litespeed_url cloned, operation took: 0.00135 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_litespeed_url_file (0.09 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Table: suh9_litespeed_url_file cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:27] Getting data of table: suh9_options (2.56 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_options cloned, operation took: 0.33336 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_postmeta (4.67 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.32892 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_posts (1.58 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_posts cloned, operation took: 0.02388 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_rank_math_analytics_objects (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_rank_math_analytics_objects cloned, operation took: 0.00120 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_rank_math_internal_links (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_rank_math_internal_links cloned, operation took: 0.00277 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_rank_math_internal_meta (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_rank_math_internal_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00163 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_term_relationships (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00089 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_term_taxonomy (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00125 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_termmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_terms (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00148 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_tm_taskmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_tm_taskmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_tm_tasks (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_tm_tasks cloned, operation took: 0.00019 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_usermeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00160 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Getting data of table: suh9_users (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table: suh9_users cloned, operation took: 0.00085 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Table data exported.
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Memory usage after data export: 61.66 MB
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Entire process took: 0.7367 s
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Backup de banco de dados concluído
    [STEP] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Criando arquivo
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Compactando…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Usando o módulo PclZip para criar o backup
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Configura??o antiga: usando módulos padr?o dependendo do servidor do usuário
    [WARN] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] O backup será executado como solicita??o única, o processo pode se tornar instável…
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:28] Os peda?os contêm500 arquivos.
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:38] Etapa:500/9964
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:41] Etapa:1000/9964
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:45] Etapa:1500/9964
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:53] Etapa:2000/9964
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:24:57] Etapa:2500/9964
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:25:07] Etapa:3000/9964
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:25:45] Etapa:3500/9964
    [INFO] [2022-07-16 17:26:05] Etapa:4000/9964
    [DOWNLOAD GERADO] Arquivo baixado em (hora do servidor):2022-07-16 17:26:12
    [DOWNLOAD GERADO] última atualiza??o (em segundos):7 segundos atrás
    [DOWNLOAD GERADO] última atualiza??o (data):2022-07-16 17:26:05

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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