Error backup
Hi !
The backup doesn’t work, thks for helping, here is the journal :
[STEP] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Recherche du fichier exécutable PHP CLI. [WARN] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Impossible de trouver l’exécutable PHP CLI approprié, ce processus peut être instable. [WARN] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Le fichier PHP CLI ne peut pas être exécuté pour une raison inconnue. [STEP] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Initialisation de la sauvegarde… [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Version de sauvegarde et migration?:1.2.1 [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Site qui sera sauvegardé?: [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Version PHP?: 7.4.30 [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Version WP?:6.0.1 [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Version MySQL?:5.7.38 [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Longueur maximale de MySQL?:67108864 [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Serveur?: Apache [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Temps d’exécution maximum (en secondes)?: 259200 [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Nombre maximum de lignes par requête (ce site)?: 300 [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Vérifier si le répertoire de sauvegarde est inscriptible… [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Initialisation du gestionnaire d’erreurs personnalisé [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Ouais c’est inscriptible… [STEP] [2022-07-18 11:58:57] Analyse des fichiers… [WARN] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Suppression du fichier de sauvegarde (trop grand) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Pre?sentation-CBB-.pdf (109.23 MB) [STEP] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Vérification de l’espace libre, réservation… [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Nécessite au moins 1161004725 octets. [1.08 GB] [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] La fonction d‘espace libre sur le disque n‘est pas désactivée - l‘utiliser... [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Vérification de chemin/partition?: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Il y a 1,054,035.65 Mo gratuit. [1.01 TB] [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Super ! Il y a suffisamment d’espace. [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Confirmé, il y a suffisamment d’espace, vérifié?:1161004725 octets [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Analyse terminée - Trouvé20920 fichiers… [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Sauvegarde initialisée… [STEP] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Initialisation du système d’archivage… [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Système d’archivage initialisé… [STEP] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Préparation de la carte des fichiers… [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Fichiers préparés. [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Démarrage da la procédure de compression… [STEP] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Calcul de la mémoire intelligente… [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Il y a 1024 Mo de mémoire utile [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Limite de mémoire WordPress?: 1024 Mo [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Définir la limite de sécurité à?230 Mo [STEP] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Faire une sauvegarde de la base de données (à l’aide du moteur V2, nécessite au moins v1.1.0 pour restaurer) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Itération de la base de données… [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Memory usage after initialization: 139.50 MB [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Scan found 105 tables (16434 rows), estimated total size: 29.97 MB. [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Memory usage after getting table names: 139.55 MB [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting table recipes... [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table recipes have been exported. [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Memory usage after loading recipes: 139.63 MB [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Saving recipes... [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Recipes saved. [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 139.58 MB [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Exporting table data... [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeactionscheduler_actions (0.14 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeactionscheduler_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00271 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeactionscheduler_claims (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeactionscheduler_claims cloned, operation took: 0.00032 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeactionscheduler_groups (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeactionscheduler_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00045 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeactionscheduler_logs (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeactionscheduler_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00266 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaecli_cookie_scan (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaecli_cookie_scan cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaecli_cookie_scan_categories (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaecli_cookie_scan_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00018 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaecli_cookie_scan_cookies (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaecli_cookie_scan_cookies cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaecli_cookie_scan_url (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaecli_cookie_scan_url cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaecli_scripts (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaecli_scripts cloned, operation took: 0.00051 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaecommentmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaecommentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00019 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaecomments (0.11 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaecomments cloned, operation took: 0.00085 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaedocumentor (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaedocumentor cloned, operation took: 0.00039 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaedocumentor_feedback (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaedocumentor_feedback cloned, operation took: 0.00019 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaedocumentor_sections (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaedocumentor_sections cloned, operation took: 0.00079 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeeg_grids (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeeg_grids cloned, operation took: 0.00090 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeeg_item_elements (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeeg_item_elements cloned, operation took: 0.00068 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeeg_item_skins (2.55 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeeg_item_skins cloned, operation took: 0.01919 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeeg_navigation_skins (0.20 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeeg_navigation_skins cloned, operation took: 0.00282 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_commentmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00055 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_comments (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00066 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_donationmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_donationmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00157 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_donormeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_donormeta cloned, operation took: 0.00064 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_donors (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_donors cloned, operation took: 0.00057 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_formmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_formmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00186 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_log (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_log cloned, operation took: 0.00053 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_migrations (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_migrations cloned, operation took: 0.00062 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_revenue (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_revenue cloned, operation took: 0.00047 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_sequential_ordering (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_sequential_ordering cloned, operation took: 0.00044 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaegive_sessions (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaegive_sessions cloned, operation took: 0.00042 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaelinks (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaelinks cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaemepr_events (0.13 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaemepr_events cloned, operation took: 0.01156 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaemepr_jobs (0.16 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaemepr_jobs cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaemepr_members (0.28 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaemepr_members cloned, operation took: 0.00165 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaemepr_rule_access_conditions (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaemepr_rule_access_conditions cloned, operation took: 0.00097 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaemepr_subscription_meta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaemepr_subscription_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaemepr_subscriptions (0.31 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaemepr_subscriptions cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaemepr_tax_rate_locations (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaemepr_tax_rate_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaemepr_tax_rates (0.16 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaemepr_tax_rates cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaemepr_transaction_meta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaemepr_transaction_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00018 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaemepr_transactions (0.34 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaemepr_transactions cloned, operation took: 0.00264 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaenextend2_image_storage (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaenextend2_image_storage cloned, operation took: 0.00159 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaenextend2_section_storage (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaenextend2_section_storage cloned, operation took: 0.00045 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaenextend2_smartslider3_generators (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaenextend2_smartslider3_generators cloned, operation took: 0.00019 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaenextend2_smartslider3_sliders (0.14 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaenextend2_smartslider3_sliders cloned, operation took: 0.00117 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaenextend2_smartslider3_sliders_xref (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaenextend2_smartslider3_sliders_xref cloned, operation took: 0.00044 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaenextend2_smartslider3_slides (0.27 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaenextend2_smartslider3_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00292 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeoptions (5.16 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeoptions cloned, operation took: 0.04641 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaepostmeta (3.97 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaepostmeta cloned, operation took: 0.22849 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeposts (11.53 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeposts cloned, operation took: 0.31537 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_css (0.13 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_css cloned, operation took: 0.00446 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_css_bkp (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_css_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00163 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_layer_animations (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_layer_animations cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_layer_animations_bkp (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_layer_animations_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_navigations (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_navigations cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_navigations_bkp (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_navigations_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00019 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_sliders (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_sliders cloned, operation took: 0.00093 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_sliders_bkp (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_sliders_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00018 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_slides (0.09 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00127 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_slides_bkp (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_slides_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_static_slides (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_static_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00048 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaerevslider_static_slides_bkp (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaerevslider_static_slides_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00019 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaesay_what_strings (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaesay_what_strings cloned, operation took: 0.00044 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeterm_relationships (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeterm_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00147 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeterm_taxonomy (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeterm_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00189 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaetermmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaetermmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00482 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeterms (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeterms cloned, operation took: 0.00181 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeusermeta (0.42 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeusermeta cloned, operation took: 0.04471 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeusers (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaeusers cloned, operation took: 0.00249 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_admin_note_actions (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_admin_note_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00250 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_admin_notes (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_admin_notes cloned, operation took: 0.00368 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_category_lookup (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_category_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00058 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_customer_lookup (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_customer_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00059 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_download_log (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_download_log cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_order_coupon_lookup (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_order_coupon_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_order_product_lookup (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_order_product_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_order_stats (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_order_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_order_tax_lookup (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_order_tax_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_product_meta_lookup (0.11 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_product_meta_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00018 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_rate_limits (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_rate_limits cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_reserved_stock (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_reserved_stock cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_tax_rate_classes (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_tax_rate_classes cloned, operation took: 0.00057 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewc_webhooks (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewc_webhooks cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_api_keys (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_api_keys cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_attribute_taxonomies (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_attribute_taxonomies cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions cloned, operation took: 0.00019 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_log (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_log cloned, operation took: 0.00046 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_order_itemmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_order_itemmeta cloned, operation took: 0.01457 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_order_items (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_order_items cloned, operation took: 0.00079 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_payment_tokenmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_payment_tokenmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_payment_tokens (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_payment_tokens cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_sessions (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_sessions cloned, operation took: 0.00073 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_shipping_zone_locations (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_shipping_zone_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_shipping_zone_methods (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_shipping_zone_methods cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_shipping_zones (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_shipping_zones cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_tax_rate_locations (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_tax_rate_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_tax_rates (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewoocommerce_tax_rates cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewpgdprc_access_requests (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewpgdprc_access_requests cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewpgdprc_consents (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewpgdprc_consents cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewpgdprc_delete_requests (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewpgdprc_delete_requests cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaewpgdprc_log (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Table: RMBUbGaewpgdprc_log cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:58] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeyoast_indexable (0.52 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Table: RMBUbGaeyoast_indexable cloned, operation took: 0.08919 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeyoast_indexable_hierarchy (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Table: RMBUbGaeyoast_indexable_hierarchy cloned, operation took: 0.00180 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeyoast_migrations (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Table: RMBUbGaeyoast_migrations cloned, operation took: 0.00066 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeyoast_primary_term (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Table: RMBUbGaeyoast_primary_term cloned, operation took: 0.00046 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Getting data of table: RMBUbGaeyoast_seo_links (0.09 MB) [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Table: RMBUbGaeyoast_seo_links cloned, operation took: 0.00730 ms [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Table data exported. [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Memory usage after data export: 139.56 MB [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Entire process took: 1.0153 s [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Sauvegarde de base de données terminée [STEP] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Faire une archive [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Compression… [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Utilisation du module PclZip pour créer la sauvegarde [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Réglage hérité?: utilisation de modules par défaut en fonction du serveur utilisateur/utilisatrice [WARN] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] La sauvegarde s’exécutera en tant que demande unique, peut être instable... [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:58:59] Les portions contiennent 4000 fichiers. [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:59:08] étape?:4000/20920 [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:59:13] étape?:8000/20920 [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:59:17] étape?:12000/20920 [INFO] [2022-07-18 11:59:41] étape?:16000/20920 [TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Fichier téléchargé à (heure du serveur)?:2022-07-18 12:00:19 [TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Dernière mise à jour (secondes)?:38 il y a quelques secondes [TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Dernière mise à jour (date)?:2022-07-18 11:59:41
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