Hello @alouta
There are 2 things I can advise you in order to find out what is causing this issue:
– Try connecting a sandbox account to the plugin and see if that is successful. This way, you will be able to find out if this is a plugin or account issue. You can create sandbox accounts here – https://developer.paypal.com/.
– Contact PayPal Merchant Technical Support and ask them to review your account and make sure no issues exist on it – https://www.paypal-techsupport.com/s/contactsupport
There is one situation where the onboarding does not go through correctly, when you press to the next pages too quickly, so you might want to try the onboarding one more time and take 5 seconds on every page before pressing to the next page. It might help…
A last option is to manually connect your account to the plugin, but this is the last option, since other problems can occur when you do this. Here is a document that explains how to proceed on this – https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-paypal-payments/#manual-credential-input