• Resolved rmsummers


    I have a windows server 2012r2 local server with bitnami-wordpressmultisite-4.7.3-0-windows-installer on it and I am getting the frustrating ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.

    I have tried all kinds previously mentioned fixes, none of them work. If I go into the wp-config file and set define( ‘MULTISITE’, true ); to false I am able to log in, but that sort of defeats the purpose of this install. I can use the single site installer and run into no issues. So some direction would be appreciated.

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  • I just migrated a working version of 4.7.3 to a new server, and I am receiving the same error. I have all cookies enabled and I′ve also tried this with IE 11 and get the same error.

    Thread Starter rmsummers


    I am using firefox as a go around for now. I think because my server is in a DMZ and I have not set my domains up yet getting to the Admin panel is impossible due to something in Chrome and IE.

    I’ve been struggling with the “cookies are blocked” problem and the “wp-admin redirect loop” issues when using a Bitnami WordPress Multisite instance in AWS EC2… and FINALLY found a solution that works:


    Be sure to follow these instructions very carefully, especially this part:

    WordPress has different rules for different fields. The wp_site and wp_blogs tables can NOT have https:// or a trailing slash at the end of the domain name, whereas in the wp_options table, it is required to have the https:// at the beginning. In the wp_sitemeta table it is required to have https:// at the beginning and a trailing slash at the end.

    I found that for whatever reason, my primary domain settings were not consistent throughout the WP database and wp-config.php file. After making all the changes, I’m able to use ANY browser to login to my main site as well as all subdomin sites.

    I also had the same error message. In my case, I changed http to https and that resolved it for me.

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