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  • In order for iTSec to zip the resulting .sql backup file it needs the WordPress “PclZip” class. So it tries to perform a require on the wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php file.

    You can try and disable “Compress Backup Files” under the Settings tab,
    “Database Backups” section. Save the settings and then retry making a new backup.


    Thread Starter faizi4u


    thanks for your early reply dwinden. tried according to your instructions. But this time get error “Security Error

    You can make a one-time-backup from 2 different places in the iTSec plugin:

    1. The most obvious, from the Backups tab or Backups menu option.
    Simply clicking on the “Create Database Backup” button will start a one-time-backup.
    My guess is that this is where you now get the “Security error!”.

    2. From the “Important First Steps” popup screen. Go to the iTSec Dashboard menu option and then click at the top right of the screen on the “Show Intro” link. Then simply click on the “Make a backup” button from the popup screen.

    The above assumes you are trying to make a one-time-backup and NOT a scheduled backup.

    If you indeed get the “Security error!” using option 1, try option 2.
    You probably wonder what’s the difference ?

    The resulting backup is identical BUT option 1 starts a one-time-backup by submitting a FORM while option 2 starts a one-time-backup by using an AJAX request.
    There is an extra check (which in your env results in the “Security error!”) done in the code of the FORM method compared to the code of the AJAX request method.

    This is just a quick workaround to (hopefully) be able to make a one-time-backup.
    This post does not answer why the extra check fails in the code of the FORM method (You seem to have other issues which might be related…)


    Thread Starter faizi4u


    thanks dwinden this tip works fine. One more thing i want to now how to change the autobackup mail id. or where to see the email id where backup files sending ?

    Go to Settings tab, Global Settings (first) section.

    Backup Delivery Email




    If your issue is resolved please mark this topic as ‘resolved’.




    Hi. I’m having the same issues as above with backing up and get the ‘Security error!’ message. Im also unable to locate the ‘Important first steps’ pop up to use that message as mentioned by Dwinden. Any advice gratefully received



    Method, not ‘message’ apologies



    In WP Dashboard click on the Security menu option added by the iTSec plugin.
    Then at the top right of the screen click on the “Show Intro” link.




    oh, that was easy! Unfortunatley I got: ‘Whoops. Something went wrong. Check the backup page or contact support.’
    I have not got the zip file option selected in the backups section. Not sure what to do.
    Thanks for your help.



    Before the backup is started the iTSec plugin tries to get a file lock.
    It might be the file lock creation fails.

    The file lock is actually a directory named backup.lock and it is by default created in the wp-content/uploads/ithemes-security/ directory.

    After the backup is completed the file lock is (normally) removed.

    If the “Enable Scheduled Database Backups” checkbox is ticked in Settings tab\menu option “Database Backups” section first (temporarily) disable it and Save settings.

    Then check the wp-content/uploads/ithemes-security/ directory for the file lock and if it exists try to manually delete it. Then retry making a backup.

    If this solves your backup problem please mark this topic as “Resolved”.




    Are you using some sort of caching plugin in WP ?
    Please list ALL your activated plugins.




    I’ll get a list of all my plugins. I’ve actually turned the wp-better security plugin as I was getting a lot of white pages and internal server error messages which have ceased now. I have a feeling this could be due to my provider? Thanks for your help this far. I’ll have another go on monday.

    all the best

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